Graphitizable coiled carbon nanotubes
According to Amelinckx
al.[9], this switch could
be a consequence of the rotation of an ovoid
catalyst particle. However, from this model, during
the production of the parallel hexagons, a complete
“catalyst-tubule bonds rearrangement” must occur
after each hexagonal layer is produced. Otherwise,
as seen from the translation
the catalyst particle
in a direction perpendicular to its median plane,
the catalyst would get completely out of the
growing tubule. Since a mechanism involving this
“catalyst-tubule bonds rearrangement” is not very
likely, we shall now try to explain the growth of
a coiled tubule using a model based on the
variation of the number of active coordination
sites at a constant catalyst surface by a model
which does not involve “catalyst-tubule bonds
Model based on the variation
“active” coordination sites at the cata-
lyst surface.
The growth of tubules during the
decomposition of acetylene can be explained in three
steps, which are the decomposition of acetylene, the
initiation reaction and the propagation reaction. This
is illustrated in Fig. 14 by the model of a (5,5) tubule
growing on a catalyst particle:
First, dehydrogenative bonding of acetylene to the
catalyst surface will free hydrogen and produce C2
moieties bonded to the catalyst coordination sites.
These C, units are assumed to be the building
blocks for the tubules.
Secondly, at an initial stage, the first layer of C,
units diffusing out of the catalyst remains at a Van
der Waals distance from the C2 layer coordinated
to the catalyst surface. Then, if the C, units of that
outer layer bind to one another, this will lead to a
half fullerene. Depending on whether the central
axis of that half fullerene is a threefold or a fivefold
rotation axis, a (9n,0) or a (5n,5n) tubule will start
growing, respectively. The half fullerene can also
grow to completion instead of starting a nanotu-
bule[17]. This assumption is reinforced by the fact
that we have detected, by HPLC and mass spec-
trometry, the presence of fullerenes C,,, C,,,
in the toluene extract of the crude nanotubules
produced by the catalytic decomposition of
Third, the C2 units are inserted between the catalyst
coordination sites and the growing nanotubule
(Fig. 14). The last
unit introduced will still be
bonded to the catalyst coordination sites. From
the catalyst surface, a new C, unit will again
displace the previous one, which becomes part of
the growing tubule, and
We shall now attempt to explain, from the chemi-
cal bond point
view, the propagation reaction at
the basis of tubule growth. A growth mechanism for
the (5n,5n) tubule, the (9n,0) tubule and the
(9n,0)-( 5n,5n) knee, which are the three fundamental
tubule building blocks, is also suggested.
Schematic representation
tubule growing
on the corresponding catalyst particle. The decomposition
acetylene on the same catalyst particle is also represented.
The catalyst contains many active sites but only those
symbolized by grey circles are directly involved in the
tubule growth.
Growth mechanism
tubule, over
coordination sites
the catalyst.
The growth of a general (5n,5n) tubule on the catalyst
surface is illustrated by that of the (5,5) tubule in
Figs 14 and 15. The external circles of the Schlegel
diagrams in Fig. 15(a)-(c) represent half
cut at
the equatorial plane perpendicular to its fivefold
rotational symmetry axis or the end of a (5,5) tubule.
The equatorial carbons bearing a vacant bond are
bonded to the catalyst coordinatively [Fig. 15(a)
and (a’)].
For the sake of clarity, ten coordination sites are
drawn a little further away from the surface of the
particle in Fig. 15(a)-(c). These sites are real surface
sites and the formal link is shown by a solid line. In
this way the different C, units are easily distinguished
in the figure and the formation of six-membered
rings is obvious. The planar tubule representations
of Fig. 15(a‘)-(c’) are equivalent to those in
Fig. 15 (a)-(c), respectively. The former figures allow
a better understanding of tubule growth. Arriving C2
units are first coordinated to the catalyst coordination