Chapter 6
The Strong Interaction
The strong interaction is responsible for the binding of protons and neutrons in
nuclei, and for the binding of quarks inside protons and neutrons. It is generated by
the exchange of gluons between quarks. Quarks carry a new quantum number known
as color. The strong force acting on quarks inside protons and neutrons prohibits their
separation beyond distances larger than the diameters of protons and neutrons. This
phenomenon explains why free quarks are not observed, but that quarks are confined
in protons, neutrons, and various additional bound states denoted as baryons or
mesons, which together are known as hadrons. Gluons carry color as well, and are
likewise confined inside hadrons.
6.1 Quantum Chromodynamics
We have seen in the introduction that the strong interaction is responsible for the
attractive force between quarks, the constituents of protons and neutrons. The attrac-
tive force between two protons or a proton and a neutron, etc. is just a secondary
effect of this fundamental force between quarks.
In quantum field theory, the electromagnetic interaction (the force between two
charged objects) is generated by the exchange of one or more photons. Likewise the
strong interaction is generated by the exchange of particles with spin , the gluons,
as illustrated in Fig. 6.1.
We recall the Feynman rule according to which the electron–photon vertex (see
Figs.5.3, 5.4, 5.8, and 5.9) is proportional to the electron charge q
, see (5.26). In
the case of the strong interaction, the quark–gluon vertex is proportional to a strong
charge q
of the quarks, which is independent of its electric charge. There exist,
however, three strong charges q
, i = 1, 2, 3, which are also denoted as colors.
(For this reason this theory is also called quantum chromodynamics or QCD.) This
color changes whenever a gluon is emitted or absorbed by a quark, as in Fig. 6.2.
Since we have q
= q
, the gluons carry “strong charges”, i.e., colors, as well.
(For this reason they are denoted by G
in Fig. 6.2.) The color of a quark can be
U. Ellwanger, From the Universe to the Elementary Particles,73
Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-24375-2_6,
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012