Chapter 4
The Theory of Fields
Fields play afundamental role in themodern formulation offundamental interactions.
We introduce the basic equation of motion for fields, and discuss their most important
solutions: the wave solution is relevant both for electromagnetic radiation and for
the description of a beam of particles within the framework of quantum field theory.
The Coulomb solution describes fields around point-like bodies. The existence of a
wave solution for the gravitational field leads to the prediction of the existence of
gravitational waves. These are being searched for in experiments being carried out
today; the design of these experiments is sketched.
4.1 The Klein–Gordon Equation
A quantity defined at any position r (i.e., for all x, y, and z) and at any time t, i.e.,
which assumes a certain value at any position r at any time t, is denoted as a “field”.
It is written, e.g., as Φ(r, t). Known fields are the temperature T (r, t), the pressure
p(r, t), the velocity of the wind v(r, t), and the electric field
E(r, t). In the latter
two cases the field is oriented along a certain direction, which depends, in general,
on the position and on time. Such fields are denoted as vector fields, whereas T (r, t)
and p(r, t) are denoted as scalar fields.
Here the fields T (r, t), p(r, t), and v(r
, t) are not fundamental fields, but simpli-
fied descriptions (averages) of complicated motions of a countless number of atoms
or molecules. However, the electric field
E(r, t) is a fundamental field in the sense
that it generates one of the fundamental forces of nature (see Chap. 5).
Such a field is usually invisible; however, it can be detected with the help of
objects on which it exerts a force. The presence of an electric field is measurable
only with the help of charged objects, which allow the force exerted by the field to
be measured.
The components g
(r, t) of the metric, discussed in the previous chapter on
general relativity, are fields as well. These fields play two roles: on the one hand they
determine the curvature of space-time, and on the other hand the field g
(r, t) is
U. Ellwanger, From the Universe to the Elementary Particles,45
Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-24375-2_4,
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012