1.2 The Structure of Matter 3
is measurable, and allows the radial velocity of the object with respect to the Earth
to be determined.
Practically all other methods for the determination of distances (essentially with
the help of the luminosity, measured on Earth, of galaxies of known intrinsic bright-
ness) are in agreement with (1.3), and allow the Hubble constant to be determined.
In any case, the most important result is that the Universe is expanding.
What is the history of the Universe? Looking back in time, about 10
years ago
the Universe was compressed and hot. At that time, neither the galaxies nor the
stars had formed, and the Universe was an exploding hot, dense gas. This process is
called the Big Bang. The stars and the galaxies formed only during the subsequent
expansion, dilution, and cooling.
The detailed study of the expansion rate of the Universe as a function of time, the
different forms of matter, the temperature, the curvature of space and space-time,
etc. is the subject of research in cosmology. The employed formalism is the theory
of general relativity, from which the gravitational forces can be derived as well (see
1.2 The Structure of Matter
Let us jump from the cosmological to the atomic scale. The orders of magnitude of
intermediate objects—which we will not discuss here—are as follows:
Systems of planets: the distance Earth–Sun is ∼1.5 ×10
Stars: the radius of the Sun is ∼7 ×10
Planets: the radius of the Earth is ∼6.4 ×10
Rocks, humans, ...: ∼1m
Grains of sand: ∼10
Viruses: ∼10
Simple molecules: ∼10
Atoms: ∼10
Observable forces in everyday life are
(a) the force of gravity,
(b) forces between bodies, the force of wind, water, combustion engines, friction
forces ....
All forces listed under (b) can be traced back to forces between atoms and mole-
cules, and are ultimately of electric origin.
1.2.1 The Structure of Atoms
An atom consists of a cloud of electrons, which are negatively charged particles.
The diameter of this cloud is ∼10
m, which corresponds to the diameter of the
atom. In its center there is a positively charged nucleus with a diameter of some