96 7 The Weak Interaction
of water with the help of detectors in order to discover the few processes induced by
neutrinos; moreover, these processes have to be distinguished from other processes
that are due to natural radioactivity or cosmic radiation.
Neutrinos can be produced artificially in the
decay of neutrons produced in
nuclear reactors (see Sect.1.3), or in the decays of mesons such as pions and K
mesons (produced in accelerator experiments, see Chap.8) into electrons or muons
and the corresponding neutrinos.
However, “natural” neutrino sources exist as well: our atmosphere is perma-
nently being bombarded by very energetic cosmic radiation, which consists of about
90% protons but also
particles (helium nuclei), electrons, and photons. (The 1936
Nobel prize was awarded to V. Hess for the discovery of cosmic radiation.) When
these particles hit the atmosphere, they create first avalanches of photons, electrons,
and hadrons (mainly pions). Subsequently, these decay into so-called atmospheric
neutrinos, which reach the surface of the Earth.
In addition, in the interior of the Sun nuclear reactions take place, which keep
the sun shining and produce so-called solar neutrinos. Finally we have to expect
that neutrinos were produced during the Big Bang, have not been absorbed since,
and transit the Universe in a similar way to the cosmic background radiation. Also,
astrophysical processes such as supernova explosions contribute to the production
of cosmic neutrinos.
A surprising discovery during the last few years was that different species of
can transform into each other, i.e., oscillate. The first hint
of these so-called neutrino oscillations originated from attempts to detect solar
We know quite precisely which nuclear reactions take place inside the Sun, and
with which abundance they produce electron neutrinos of a given energy. Hence
we know with which rate they should be detected on Earth. However, the measured
detection rate is about only half of that expected; instead we find too many muon
neutrinos with the corresponding energies.
In the case of atmospheric neutrinos, we find another anomaly: as we can verify in
accelerator experiments, pions generated by the cosmic radiation decay on average
into about twice as many muons and their neutrinos as into electrons and their
neutrinos. However, the measured ratio of the
rates is smaller. This means
that muon neutrinos have disappeared. Since the number of electron neutrinos has
not increased, we assume that the muon neutrinos have mutated into
neutrinos. This
interpretation agrees with the behavior of muon neutrinos produced in accelerator
Hence all three neutrino species seem to mutate into each other. Interestingly
enough, a theoretical description of this phenomenon is possible only if they are not
exactly massless. This theoretical description employs again the equivalence of a
beam of neutrinos and a wave solution of the Klein–Gordon equation discussed in
In the following we will sketch the theoretical description of this phenomenon,
confining ourselves to two neutrino species. These two kinds of neutrinos correspond