7.2 Parity Violation 87
direction of propagation of the wave as in Fig. 5.12 or in Fig.5.13. A priori, the
wave equation for fermions allows for right- and left-handed polarized waves. The
corresponding particles are denoted as right- or left-handed fermions.
Astonishingly, these fermions can possess different properties in the form of
different charges, or different couplings to bosons whose exchange is responsible
for interactions.
This shows again that the idea of a rotating sphere for an elementary particles
with spin cannot be correct: a sphere rotating around an axis can always be tilted by
such that it rotates around the same axis in the opposite sense, without changing
its charge. However, in the case of fermions we have to interpret states with spins
parallel or antiparallel to the direction of propagation as different particle species in
The only interaction that distinguishes right- and left-handed fermions is the
weak interaction: W bosons (W
and W
) couple exclusively to left-handed, not
to right-handed fermions. This holds for all quarks and leptons (charged or neutral).
Only in the case of antiquarks and antileptons is the rule reversed: W bosons couple
exclusively to right-handed antifermions. All processes shown in Figs.7.1–7.5 occur
only for the corresponding left-handed quarks or leptons and right-handed antiquarks
or antileptons.
Likewise, the representation of quarks and leptons as two-component vectors with
isospin “up” and “down” in (7.1) and (7.3) is valid only for left-handed particles; the
right-handed quarks and leptons carry no weak isospin, and we have no evidence for
right-handed neutrinos up to now.
This behavior of the weak interaction violates a symmetry denoted as parity.
A parity transformation P is defined in which the directions of all three (x-, y-, and z-)
axes are reversed. It is easy to see that the Klein–Gordon equation (4.1) is invariant
under these transformations of the variables x, y, and z, since the corresponding
derivatives appear only as squares. If all fundamental equations and quantities were
invariant under parity transformations, this symmetry would manifest itself as a
symmetry of all observable processes.
The world after a parity transformation corresponds to a world seen through a
mirror: a parity transformation can be decomposed into a rotation by 180
the z-axis (which reverses the x- and y-axes), and a last reflection in the x–y plane,
reversing the z-axis. Since rotations are always symmetries of fundamental equations
as well as of observable processes (see (Chap.9), the only questionable operation
remains the reflection in the x–y (or any other) plane. Therefore a parity transforma-
tion is often identified with a reflection.
What becomes of right-handed (or left-handed) fermions after a parity transfor-
mation? As sketched in Fig. 7.6 it is easy to see that, after a parity transformation, the
handedness is reversed: now, the directions of all vectors are reversed. Initially, the
sense of rotation of the polarization vector (corresponding to the angular momentum
L in Fig. 5.11) remains the same, but finally the direction of flight denoted
as v is reversed as well. Thus the handedness, given by the sense of rotation of the
polarization vector along the direction of flight, is reversed.