8.3 The Search for New Elementary Particles 119
experiments study the properties of neutrinos, in particular the transformation of
one neutrino species into another. The origin of these neutrinos can be astrophysical
processes (e.g., supernovae), leading to cosmic neutrinos, nuclear reactions in the
Sun (solar neutrinos), muon decays in the atmosphere (where the muons originate
from scattering processes of cosmic radiation), leading to atmospheric neutrinos,
nuclear reactors, or fixed-target experiments performed for this purpose.
Since interactions of neutrinos in detectors are very unlikely (since they can be
induced only by the weak interaction), neutrino detectors must be extremely well
protected from natural radiation in order to be sensitive to the rare events induced by
neutrinos. Hence they are located in mines or tunnels, preferably several kilometers
below the surface of the Earth. Another possibility is the use of seawater in the oceans
(at about 1km depth) as a detector, where interactions of neutrinos can induce weak
flashes, which are detected by photon detectors hanging on long ropes.
In recent years, experiments in astroparticle physics, which specializes in the
study of cosmic radiation, have become more and more important. Cosmic radiation
consists of photons, electrons, positrons, protons, and antiprotons, which can be
extremely energetic (up to 10
eV = 10
GeV); such energies are unattainable in
accelerators. For their study we can send detectors by balloons into the stratosphere,
place them on satellites or in the International Space Station. In addition, particularly
energetic (but also particularly rare) cosmic particles can generate weak lightnings
in the upper atmosphere, which can be searched for by telescopes or kilometer-wide
arrays of telescopes such as the Pierre Auger observatories in deserts in Argentine
and Colorado.
Cosmic radiation can originate from supernova explosions, pulsars, black holes,
or other astrophysical phenomena. Another possible origin is related to dark matter: if
dark matter consists of particles, these particles can collide inelastically and produce
other particles, which contribute to cosmic radiation. Such processes would be partic-
ularly frequent near the centers of galaxies, where the dark matter density is partic-
ularly large, and lead to particles of a well-defined energy. Once other astrophysical
phenomena can be excluded for such components of the cosmic radiation (still to be
discovered), we can talk about an indirect detection of dark matter.
Finally, attempts are being made to detect dark matter directly on Earth. In fact
the corresponding particles would be present everywhere, but would be neutral, like
neutrinos, and interact only very rarely. These particles could scatter off atomic
nuclei and transfer some energy (about 10keV); we expect, however, just about one
scattering event per kilogram of material every ten days! Researchers are trying
to measure this energy transfer in extremely sensitive detectors consisting of large
amounts (up to 100kg) of heavy nuclei such as germanium or xenon. As in the case of
neutrino experiments, these detectors must be well protected from natural radiation
and are located in the same remote places. Some neutrino experiments can be used
simultaneously for the search for dark matter.
Since the particles that make up dark matter could also be produced at accelerators,
we can hope for their multiple confirmation in the corresponding detectors, indirectly
in cosmic radiation, and in particle physics experiments. In any case the “interac-