change considerably, which helps in separating the ambiguity parameters
from the baseline solution. As such, even though the least-squares solution
would contain real-valued numbers for the ambiguity parameters, they
were very close to integer values. Consequently, the correct integer values
were simply obtained by rounding off the real-valued numbers to the near-
est integers [4]. Another least-squares adjustment was then to be carried
out, considering the integer-valued ambiguity parameters as known values
while the baseline components are unknowns. It is clear that, although this
method is capable of determining the correct integer values of the ambigu-
ity parameters, it is time-consuming. As such, the use of this method is cur-
rently limited to long baselines in the static mode.
Various methods have been developed to overcome the limitation of
the previous method (i.e., the use of long observational time spans). One
such method is to use a known baseline (i.e., the coordinates of its end
points are accurately known), which might be available within the project
area. The ambiguity parameters are determined by simply occupying the
two end points of the known baseline with the base and the rover receivers
for a short period of time. This process is commonly known as receiver ini-
tialization. Following receiver initialization, the rover receiver can move to
the points to be surveyed. With this method, the receiver uses the ambigu-
ity parameters determined during the initialization to solve for the coordi-
nates of the new points. As mentioned in Chapter 2, the initial integer
number of cycles (the ambiguity parameter) remains constant over time,
even if the receiver is in motion, as long as no cycle slips have occurred. In
other words, it is necessary that the receivers be kept on all the time and
that at least four common satellites are tracked at any moment. An alterna-
tive initialization method is known as the antenna swap method, which can
be used when no known baseline is available within the project area. This
method, which was introduced by Dr. Ben Remondi in 1986, is based on
exchanging the antennas between the base and the rover while tracking at
least four satellites. More details on this method are given later. Both the
known baseline and the antenna swap methods are more suitable for kine-
matic positioning in the postprocessing mode.
These three methods are suitable for non-real-time applications, with
which the data are collected in the field and then postprocessed at later
times. RTK positioning, however, requires that the integer ambiguity
parameters be determined while the receiver is in motion, or on the fly [5].
Resolving the ambiguities on the fly, often called on-the-fly ambiguity
86 Introduction to GPS