2 GPS Details.......................13
2.1 GPS signal structure....................13
2.2 GPS modernization ....................15
2.3 Types of GPS receivers ..................16
2.4 Timesystems.......................18
2.5 Pseudorange measurements ................19
2.6 Carrier-phase measurements ................21
2.7 Cycle slips ........................22
2.8 Linear combinations of GPS observables ...........23
References ························25
3 GPS Errors and Biases .................27
3.1 GPS ephemeris errors ...................28
3.2 Selective availability ....................29
3.3 Satellite and receiver clock errors ..............31
3.4 Multipatherror......................32
3.5 Antenna-phase-center variation ...............34
3.6 Receiver measurement noise ................35
3.7 Ionospheric delay .....................36
3.8 Tropospheric delay ....................38
3.9 Satellite geometry measures ................39
3.10 GPS mission planning ..................42
3.11 User equivalent range error ................44
References ·······················44
4 Datums, Coordinate Systems, and Map Projections . . 47
4.1 Whatisadatum?.....................48
4.2 Geodetic coordinate system ................49
4.2.1 Conventional Terrestrial Reference System .........50
4.2.2 TheWGS84andNAD83systems............52
4.3 What coordinates are obtained with GPS? ..........53
4.4 Datumtransformations..................53
4.5 Mapprojections.....................55
4.5.1 Transverse Mercator projection .............56
viii Introduction to GPS