86 Chapter 3
Nowadays, photographic film has been largely replaced by electronic
image-recording devices, based on charge-coupled diode (CCD) sensors.
They contain an array of a million or more silicon photodiodes, each of
which provides an electrical signal proportional to the local intensity level.
Because such devices are easily damaged by high-energy electrons, they are
preceded by a phosphor screen that converts the electron image to variations
in visible-light intensity. Electronic recording has numerous advantages. The
recorded image can be inspected immediately on a monitor screen, avoiding
the delay (and cost) associated with photographic processing. Because the
CCD sensitivity is high, even high-magnification (with low-intensity)
images can be viewed without eyestrain, making focusing and astigmatism
correction a lot easier. The image information is stored digitally in computer
memory and subsequently on magnetic or optical disks, from which previous
images can be rapidly retrieved for comparison purposes. The digital nature
of the image also allows various forms of image processing, as well as rapid
transfer of images between computers by means of the Internet.
Depth of focus and depth of field
As a matter of convenience, the film or CCD camera is located several
centimeters below (or sometimes above) the TEM viewing screen. If a
specimen image (or a diffraction pattern) has been brought to exact focus on
the TEM screen, it is strictly speaking out of focus at any other plane. At a
plane that is a height h below (or above) the true image plane, each point in
the image becomes a circle of confusion whose radius is s = h tan E , as
illustrated in Fig. 3-15a. This radius is equivalent to a blurring:
's = s/M = (h/M) tan E (3.14)
in the specimen plane, where M is the combined magnification of the entire
imaging system and E is the convergence angle at the screen, corresponding
to scattering through an angle D in the specimen, as shown in Fig. 3-15a.
However, this blurring will be significant only if 's is comparable to or
greater that the resolution 'r of the in-focus TEM image. In other words, the
additional image blurring will not be noticeable if 's << 'r.
To compute 's we first note, from trigonometry of the two large triangles
in Fig. 3-15a, that x = utanD = v tanE, giving tanE = (u/v)tanD = (1/M)tanD.
If an objective diaphragm is in place to remove electrons above D| 5 mrad,
then E| tan E|D/ M = 5 u 10
rad for M = 1000, decreasing to 5 u 10
for M =10
. These are extremely small angles, giving rise to correspondingly
small values of 's: for h = 10 cm, Eq. (3.14) gives 's = 0.5 nm for M = 1000
and 's = 5 u 10
m for M = 10
. Therefore, for typical TEM magnifications,
the final image recorded at a different plane is equally sharp.