150 8: Symmetry reductions and the integrable chiral model
respectively. It can be shown (see e.g. [118]) that the conformal group of
complexified Minkowski space is isomorphic to the projective general linear
group PGL(4, C).
The reduction is performed by assuming that the components of A do not
depend on one or more variables which parameterize the orbits of some set
of generators of the conformal group. The chosen generators must form a
Lie sub-algebra of the conformal algebra, as otherwise the reduction would
not be consistent. These generators integrate to a subgroup H ⊂ PGL(4, C).
2. A real section.
To obtain hyperbolic equations in lower dimensions we need to work
with ASDYM in the neutral signature. For elliptic reductions one chooses
the Euclidean reality conditions. Once the choice is made, the reductions
are partially classified by rank and signature of the metric tensor on M
restricted to the space of orbits of H.
3. The gauge group G.
4. Canonical forms of the Higgs fields.
Any generator of X ∈ H will correspond to a Higgs field:
= X
The gauge transformation g ∈ G is also invariant in the sense that X(g)=0,
so (6.1.1) reduces to
= gg
This transformation can be used to put into a canonical form which
depends on the Jordan normal form.
Here we are assuming that the infinitesimal action of H on M
is free,
and the invariant gauges exist. If the action is not free (e.g if H = SO(3, C))
the invariant gauges do not have to exist, which leads to additional compli-
cations. See [118] for the full discussion.
Below we shall give several examples of symmetry reductions. In all cases H
will be an abelian subgroup of the conformal group generated by translations
in M
and we will not need to worry about non-trivial lifts of H to the YM
bundle and non-invariant gauges.
Example. Let us impose the Euclidean reality conditions and consider a
reduction of ASDYM by a one-dimensional group of translations. The sim-
plest way to impose a symmetry is to drop the dependence on x
. In this
case one must also restrict the gauge transformations so that they too do not
depend on x
and this implies that the component
− = ∂