vi Preface
discrete homotopy invariants (usually in the form of Chern numbers) which
are conserved as the continuous field configurations have finite energy. Finally
in Chapter 9 the gravitational solitons arise as lifts of Riemannian gravitational
instantons to higher dimensions.
The book should be of use to advanced undergraduate and research stu-
dents, as well as experts in soliton theory who want to broaden their tech-
niques. It is aimed at both mathematicians and those physicists who are willing
to go beyond perturbation theory. The revived interest in twistor theory in
recent years can be largely attributed to Witten’s twistor-string theory [185]. It
is hoped that those researchers who come to twistor strings with the string
theory or quantum field theory (QFT) background will find this book an
accessible introduction to twistor theory.
There are some excellent text books which treat the material presented
here in great depth. Readers should consult [122] for inverse scattering trans-
form, [124] for the symmetry methods, and [114] for topological solitons.
The twistor approach to integrability is a subject of the monograph [118],
while [83, 132, 175] are books on twistors which concentrate on aspects of
the theory other than integrability. The full treatment of exterior differential
systems can be found in [23].
The twistor approach to integrability used in the second half of the book
has been developed over the last thirty years by the Oxford school of Sir Roger
Penrose with a particular input from Richard Ward. I am grateful to Sir Roger
for sharing his inspirational ideas with the rest of us. His original motivation
was to unify general relativity and quantum mechanics in a non-local theory
based on complex numbers. The application of twistor theory to integrability
has been an unexpected spin-off from the twistor programme.
While preparing the manuscript I have benefited from many valuable discus-
sions with my colleagues, collaborators, and research students. In particular I
would like to thank Robert Bryant, David Calderbank, Mike Eastwood, Jenya
Ferapontov, Gary Gibbons, Sean Hartnoll, Nigel Hitchin, Marcin Ka
czak, Piotr Kosinski, Nick Manton, Lionel Mason, Vladimir Matveev, Pawe l
Nurowski, Roger Penrose, Prim Plansangkate, Maciej Przanowski, George
Sparling, David Stuart, Paul Tod, Simon West, and Nick Woodhouse. I am
especially grateful to Paul Tod for carefully reading the manuscript.
Finally, I thank my wife Asia and my sons Adam and Nico not least for
making me miss several submission deadlines. I dedicate this book to the three
of them with gratitude.
Cambridge Maciej Dunajski
January 2009