rebelled against the Marxist regime of Colonel Mengistu
in Addis Ababa. More recently, it has flared up in Nigeria
and other nations of West Africa, where divisions between
Muslims and Christians have erupted into violence.
The Population Bomb Finally, rapid population growth
crippled efforts to create modern economies. By the 1980s,
annual population growth averaged nearly 3 percent
throughout Africa, the highest rate of any continent.
Drought conditions and the inexorable spread of the
Sahara (usually known as desertification, caused partly by
overcultivation of the land) led to widespread hunger and
starvation, first in West African countries such as Niger
and Mali and then in Ethiopia, Somalia, and Sudan.
Predictions are that the population of Africa will
increase by at least 200 million over the next ten years, but
that estimate does not take into account the prevalence of
AIDS, which has reached epidemic proportions in Africa.
According to one estimate, one-third of the entire pop-
ulation of sub-Saharan Africa is infected with the virus,
including a high percentage of the urban middle class.
More than 75 percent of the AIDS cases reported around
the world are on the continent of Africa. In some coun-
tries, AIDS is transmitted via the tradition that requires a
widow to have sexual relations with one of her deceased
husband’s male relatives. Some observers estimate that
without measures to curtail the effects of the disease, it
will have a significant impact on several African countries
by reducing population growth.
Poverty is endemic in Africa, particularly among the
three-quarters of the population still living off the land.
Urban areas have grow n tremendously, but as in much of
Asia, most are surrounded by massive squatter settle-
ments of rural peoples who had fled to the cities in search
of a better life. The expansion of the cities has over-
whelmed fragile transportation and sanitation systems
and led to rising pollution and perpetual traffic jams,
while millions are forced to live without running water
and electricity. Meanwhile, the fortunate few (all too of-
ten government officials on the take) live the high life and
emulate the consumerism of the West (in a particularly
expressive phrase, the rich in many East African countries
are known as wabenzi, or ‘‘Mercedes-Benz people’’).
The Search for Solutions
While the problems of nation building mentioned so far
have to one degree or another afflicted all of the emerging
states of Africa, each has sought to deal with the challenge
in its own way, and sometimes, as we shall see, with
strikingly different consequences. Despite all its shared
difficulties, Africa today remains one of the most diverse
regions on the globe.
Tanzania: An African Route to Socialism Conc ern
over the dangers of economic inequality inspired a number
of African leaders to restrict foreign investment and na-
tionalize the major industries and utilities while promoting
democratic ideals and values. J ulius Ny er er e of Tanzania was
the most consistent, promoting the ideals of socialism and
self-reliance through his Arusha Declaration of 1967, which
set forth the principles for building a socialist society in
Africa. Nyerer e did not seek to establish a Leninist-style
dictatorship of the proletariat in Tanzania, but neither was
he a proponent of a multiparty democracy , which in his view
would be divisive under the conditions prevailing in Africa:
Where there is one party---provided it is identified with the
nation as a whole---the foundations of democracy can be
firmer, and the people can have more opportunity to exercise
a real choice, than when you have two or more parties.
To import the Western parliamentary system into Africa,
he argued, could lead to violence, since the opposition
parties would be viewed as traitors by the majority of the
Taking advantage of his powerful political influence,
Ny er ere placed limitations on income and established vil-
lage collectives to avoid the corrosive effects of economic
inequality and government corruption. Sympathetic for-
eign countries provided considerable economic aid to as-
sist the experiment, and many observers noted that levels
of corruption, political instability, and ethnic strife were
lower in Tanzania than in many other African countries.
Ny erere ’s vision was not shared by all of his compatriots,
however. Political elements on the island of Zanzibar , citing
the stagnation brought by two decades of socialism, agi-
tated for autonomy or even total separation from the
mainland. Tanzania also has poor soil, inadequate rainfall,
and limited resourc es, all of which have contributed to its
slow growth and continuing rural and urban poverty.
In 1985, Nyer ere voluntarily retir ed from the presi-
dency. In his farewell speech, he c onfessed that he had
failed to achieve many of his ambitious goals to create a
socialist society in Africa. In particular, he admitted that his
plan to collectivize the traditional private farm (shamba)
had run into strong resistance from conservative peasants.
‘‘You can socialize what is not traditional,’’ he remarked.
‘‘The shamba can’ t be socialized.’’ But Ny erer e insisted that
many of his policies had succeeded in improving social and
economic conditions, and he argued that the only real
solution was to consolidate the multitude of small coun-
tries in the region into a larger East African Federation.
Kenya: The Perils of Capitalism The countries that
opted for capitalism faced their own dilemmas. Ne ighbor-
ing Kenya, blessed with better soil in the highlands, a local
tradition of aggressiv e commer ce, and a residue of Eur opean