Speech to the Assembly (Atatürk), 597
Speech to the House of Commons
(Chamberlain), 621
Speech to the House of Commons
(Churchill), 621
Speer, Albert, 633
Spending: de cit, 583; in U.S., 705
Spengler, Oswald, 580
Spheres of in uence: in Americas, 341
Spice Islands (Moluccas), 339 (map), 344
Spices and spice trade, 335; European expansion
and, 337, 351; Islam and, 335–336; Portugal
and, 339–341; Southeast Asia and, 355
Spinning jenny, 465
Spirit of the Laws, e (Montesquieu), 439
Sports, 502, 719, 764
Spratly Islands: China and, 684
Srebrenica, 701–702
Sri Lanka (Ceylon), 755
SS (Nazi guard squadrons), 619
Stalin, Joseph, 584, 617, 619–620, 634, 672;
China and, 654, 654; Cold War and, 650–651;
Khrushchev and, 673–674; at Potsdam, 638;
statues of, 657; at Tehran, 637; a er World
War II, 645; World War II and, 632; at Yalta,
638, 644, 644–645, 651
Stalingrad: battle at, 626, 628
Stamp Act (1765), 447
Standard of living: in China, 687; working
classes and, 501. See also speci c locations
Standard Oil: in Middle East, 598
Starry Messenger, e (Galileo), 437
Starvation: in Africa, 727; Russian famine
and, 583, 620; in Vietnam, 631; in World
War I, 578
Star Wars (Strategic Defense Initiative), 666
State (nation): European (1871-1914), 482–486;
growth of power, 362; in Latin America, 445;
in precolonial Southeast Asia, 352–355. See
also speci c states
Steamboats, in U.S., 467
Steam engine, 465, 469
Steel, 470; in Latin America, 706; in Russia, 473,
620; in U.S., 498
Sterilization, in India, 754, 758
Stock market: in China, 687; in U.S. (1929),
Stonebreakers, e (Courbet), 507, 507
Storytelling: in Africa, 731
Straits: of Magellan, 343 (map); of Malacca, 335
(map), 522
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks. See SALT I
and II
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). See Star Wars
(Strategic Defense Initiative)
Stream of consciousness technique: in arts,
Streetcars, 471
Stresemann, Gustav, 581
Strikes: in France, 698, 710
Student protests: in China, 602; in France, 698,
710; in Mexico, 709; nationalist, 590–591; in
Tiananmen Square, 683–684; in U.S., 710
South African Republic (Transvaal), 529
South America, 341, 707 (map); Europeans in,
341–343, 345; liberation of, 492, 492–493. See
also Latin America; speci c countries
South Asia, 753–760. See also speci c
Southeast Asia, 752–753, 761–767, 762 (map);
Catholicism in, 351–352; Cold War and,
761–762; colonization in, 520–525, 522
(map); economy in, 523–524; imperialism
in, 520–525, 545; Islam in, 335–336; Japan
and, 623–624; lifestyle in, 355–357, 765–766;
politics in, 766–767; precolonial, 352–355;
Soviets and, 658; in spice trade era, 351–357;
tensions in, 765; trade in, 355; women in,
355–357, 766; in World War II, 625, 631. See
also speci c countries
Southern Africa, 528–529; Dutch in, 346;
struggle for, 529 (map)
Southern Rhodesia, 532. See also Zimbabwe
South Korea, 654, 771–772, 771 (map). See also
Korea; Korean War
South Vietnam, 655–656, 660, 663
South West Africa, 572
South Yemen, 665
Soviets, in Russia, 576
Soviet Union: Afghanistan and, 665; Africa and,
600, 726; Arab-Israeli disputes and, 739; Asia
and, 600; Balkan region and, 645; Brezhnev
and, 674–676; capitalism in, 679; China and,
654, 654, 655; collapse of, 672, 678–680; Cuba
and, 658–659, 707; Eastern Europe and, 638,
645, 673 (map), 679–680, 680 (map); economy
in, 583, 620, 671–672, 673, 675–676, 678;
education in, 676–677; end of Cold War and,
666; Hitler and, 620; India and, 758; Jews in,
665; Khrushchev and, 672–674; Latin America
and, 707; missiles of, 657–658, 666; naming
of, 584; Nazi Germany and, 620, 622, 624,
626, 631; peaceful coexistence with West,
656; president of, 678; Russia a er, 702–703;
socialism in, 583–584; society in, 676–678;
Stalin in, 619–620; ird World and, 658;
U.S. relations with, 663–666; women in, 620,
632–633, 672, 677, 713; World War II and,
628, 631–633, 636. See also Russia
Soviet Union (former), 672
Soyinka, Wole, 734–735
Space exploration, 660, 717
Spain: Bourbon dynasty in, 377; European
uni cation and, 703; exploration by,
341–342, 345 (map); in Grand Empire, 457;
immigration from, 496; industrialization in,
471; Latin America and, 445, 491; in New
World, 341–343, 342, 444; Ottoman Turks
and, 388; Southeast Asia and, 351; irty
Years’ War and, 373; trade by, 443
Spanish-American War, 496, 521–522
Spanish Empire, 342–343, 345. See also
Americas; Spain
Spanish Netherlands, 370
Speech to the All-India Muslim League
(Iqbal), 597
Social Democratic Party (Germany), 699
Social insurance, 486
Socialism, 473; in Africa, 600, 727, 731;
vs. capitalism, 671; in China, 661, 681;
in Cuba, 707; in Czechoslovakia, 663; in
Eastern Europe, 657–658; in France, 698;
in India, 753–754; lifestyle and, 676–678; in
Middle East, 600; in North Vietnam, 762;
revolutionary, 475; in Soviet Union, 583–584,
661. See also Communism
“Socialist Creed” (Nehru), 754
Socialist parties, 474–475
Socialist realism: in China, 691–692
Socialists: in France, 583
Social Revolutionaries (Russia), 484
Social sciences, 440
Social security: in Britain, 699; in
Canada, 706
Social Security Act (U.S.), 583
Social welfare. See Welfare
Society: in Africa, 350–351, 532, 722–723, 731,
732–733; in Americas, 343–345, 444–447;
in Asia, 722–723; in China, 550–553, 604,
605, 686–690, 691, 691; in Cuba, 707–708;
European, 371–372, 443; in India, 399, 401,
403–404; Industrial Revolution and, 467–469;
in Iran, 741; in Japan, 426–428, 556–557, 561,
562, 605–608, 768, 769–771; in Korea, 431; in
Latin America, 445, 495–496; mass, 499–502;
in Middle East, 744–748; in 1920s, 584–586;
in Ottoman Empire, 391–392; in Pakistan,
756; Protestant Reformation and, 367; religion
and, 730, 730; Renaissance, 362–363; Russian,
676–678, 702; Safavid, 396–397; in Southeast
Asia, 352–357, 355–357; in Taiwan, 772;
in Tanzania, 727; in U.S., 498, 703–705; in
Western world, 709–714; in World War II,
Society of Jesus. See
Sofala, East Africa, 339, 346
Soil: in China, 688, 688
Soka Gakkai (Buddhist organization), 770
Soldiers: at Stalingrad, 628; in Vietnam War,
662; in World War I, 570–572, 572, 575, 578;
in World War II, 628, 633. See also Military;
speci c wars
Solidarity movement (Poland), 679
Solomon Islands, in World War II, 626
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 675, 676
Somalia, 665, 727, 730, 731
Somme River, battle at, 565
Somoza family (Nicaragua), 666
Song dynasty (China), 553
Songhai, 336, 337 (map), 350, 724
Song of Lawino (p’Bitek), 735
Sonni Ali (Songhai), 336
Sophia (Austria), 567
South (U.S.), 497–498, 498
South Africa, 350, 529, 728–729, 731; Boers
and, 346, 528–529, 530, 532, 533; British rule
in, 532; independence movement in, 724;
Westernization of, 723; Zulu resistance
in, 533