Index 827
Nazi Germany and, 624; nuclear protests in,
713; Palestine and, 595; Protestantism in,
367, 370; public opinion in World War I, 573,
574; Restoration in, 379; in Seven Years’ War,
449, 450; Singapore and, 522; Southeast Asia
and, 351; Suez Canal and, 526; trade and, 443;
women in, 502–503; a er World War I, 578,
583; a er World War II, 646, 699–700. See also
Parliaments; World War I; World War II
English Football Association, 502
English language: in Canada, 499
Enlightened absolutism, 448–449
Enlightenment (Europe), 436, 438–442;
American Revolution and, 447; Latin
American independence and, 491; philosophes
in, 439–440, 447–448; political impact of,
447–450; women in, 440–441
Entrepreneurs, 443
Environment: acid rain and, 776; in China,
688, 688–689; global, 776; Green movement
and, 714; imperialism and, 552, 552. See also
Ecology; Pollution
Epidemics: AIDS as, 727; in China, 413;
population explosion and, 419. See also
Bubonic plague
Equality: slavery in Haiti and, 454; in Soviet
society, 677; in U.S., 704–705
Erasmus, Desiderius, 363
Erbakan, Necmettin, 747
Erhard, Ludwig, 699
Eritrea, 726–727, 731
Erosion: soil, 688, 688
Essay Concerning Human Understanding
(Locke), 439
Estates (land): in Latin America, 495
Estates (social orders): in Europe, 362–363
Estates-General (France), 451
Estonia, 580, 679, 701, 703
Estrada, Joseph, 762–763
Eta (Japanese class), 428, 557, 768
Ethiopia, 727, 730; Fascist Italy and, 621;
Islamic resurgence in, 726–727; West
and, 516
Ethnic Albanians, in Kosovo, 702
Ethnic cleansing: by Serbia, 701–702
Ethnic groups: in Africa, 728; in Austrian
Empire, 482; in China, 415; in Eastern Europe,
666; German, 629; nationalism and, 566; in
Soviet Union, 678–679; tourism and, 766; a er
World War I, 580
EU. See European Union (EU)
Eurasians: in India, 520
Euro, 703
Europa, Europa ( lm), 632
Europe: Africa and, 345–351, 525–533; Age of
Exploration and, 335–343, 340 (map); Asian
exploration by, 343–345; birthrate in, 712–
713; China and, 411–412; Congress of Vienna
and, 464, 464, 475–479, 476 (map); crises of
1560-1650 in, 369–374; cultural in uences
of, 521; economy in, 373, 442–443; in 1871,
485 (map); exploration and expansion by,
334–358; global confrontation in, 449–450;
in, 738; Ottomans and, 388; protectorate over,
529; in United Arab Republic, 738; women in,
534, 748; a er World War II, 737
Einsatzgruppen (Nazi forces), 630, 630
Einstein, Albert, 437–438, 507–508
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 660, 703, 738;
Normandy landing and, 627–628; Soviets
and, 658
El Alamein, battle at, 626
“Elam Tigers,” 755
Elba, Napoleon on, 458
Elbe River: in World War II, 628
Elderly: in U.S., 704
Electors: in Germany, 364
Electricity, 470–471
Elementary education, 502
Elite(s): in Brazil, 610; in China, 547–548; in
Latin America, 491, 492, 495, 496; in Mexico,
496; modernizing and, 524, 634; in Ottoman
Empire, 391
Elizabeth I (England), 367, 370, 371, 378, 381
El Salvador, 493, 666, 666 (map)
Emancipation: Emancipation Proclamation
(Lincoln), 483, 497; of Russian serfs, 482,
Emecheta, Buchi, 735
Émile (Rousseau), 440
Emperors: Chinese, 413–414; Napoleon as, 455.
See also speci c emperors
Empire(s). See Imperialism; speci c empires
Empire building: in Africa, 525–533
Employment: in China, 687; in Great
Depression, 581; in Japan, 769; of women,
473, 634. See also Worker s
Enabling Act (Germany, 1933), 618
Encomienda system, 342
Encyclopedia (Diderot), 440
Energy (power): electricity and, 470–471; steam
engine and, 465
En eld ri e, 534–536
Engels, Friedrich, 473, 474
Engines: internal combustion, 471; steam,
England (Britain), 449 (map); Africa and, 525,
531–532; Bill of Rights in, 379, 380; Blitz in
World War II, 635; Canada and, 446, 450, 499;
China and, 412, 416–417, 541–544, 545; cities
in, 468; colonialism of, 345, 516, 516, 517,
528; as commonwealth, 379; and Concert of
Europe, 475; constitution in, 439; Crimean
War and, 479; democracy in, 483; economy
in, 467, 481, 583, 699; Egypt and, 534;
European uni cation and, 703; exploration
by, 344–345, 345 (map); France and, 449,
450, 457, 486; Glorious Revolution in, 379;
Hong Kong and, 542, 774–775; imperialism
by, 514, 514–515, 529, 530–531; India and,
401, 402–403, 450, 517–520, 520 (map), 592,
592 (map), 594; industrialization in, 465–467,
470, 471; Iran and, 596; Iraq and, 598; Latin
America and, 493–494; limited monarchy in,
378–380; mandates a er World War I, 580;
Napoleon and, 457; national state in, 481;
East Berlin, 656–657. See also Berlin
Eastern Europe: absolutism in, 378; Cold War
and, 647–649, 656–658, 666; COMECON in,
648–649; a er communism, 679–680, 680
(map), 700–702; culture in, 676; dissent in,
656–657; environment in, 714; old order in,
484; Protestantism in, 367; socialism in, 657;
and Soviet Union, 628, 638, 645, 673 (map);
a er World War I, 580; a er World War II,
629, 638, 700–702
Eastern Front: in World War II, 626
East Germany, 645, 647; Communist control in,
664; industry in, 647; reuni cation and, 680,
699. See also Germany
East India Company. See British East India
Company; Dutch East India Company
East Indies, 346, 401, 520, 523, 761. See also
Dutch East Indies
Eastman, George, 511
East Pakistan, 754, 756. See also Bangladesh
East Timor, 764
Echeverría, Luis (Mexico), 709
Ecology: chemical fertilizers and, 717; damage
to, 714–715. See also Environment
Economic and monetary union: EU as, 703
Economics: as motive for expansion, 337; Smith,
Adam, and, 440
Economy: in Africa, 350–351, 532, 725, 727; in
Americas, 343, 444–445; in China, 412–413,
604, 605, 652, 683, 684, 686–689; colonialism
and, 552; in England, 467, 481, 583, 699; in
Europe, 373, 442–443, 471, 697–698, 701; in
France, 377, 451, 583, 698; in Germany, 583,
619, 699; global, 471–472; in Hong Kong,
774–775; in Hungary, 680; in India, 399,
402–403, 405, 519, 754, 757–758; in Iraq, 743;
in Japan, 425–426, 555–556, 608–609, 620,
767, 768–769; in Kenya, 728; in Korea, 431; in
Latin America, 495–496, 609–611, 706–707;
mercantilism and, 373; in Mexico, 709; in
Ottoman Empire, 392; in Russia a er Soviet
Union, 702; in South Africa, 728–729; in
Southeast Asia, 353–355, 523–524, 764–765;
in South Korea, 772; in Soviet Union, 583,
620, 671–672, 673, 675–676, 678; in Turkey,
596; in U.S., 498, 705, 706; World War I and,
573. See also Great Depression
Ecuador, 492
Edict of Nantes, 370
Edirne (Adrianople), 393
Edison, omas, 471
Education: in Africa, 731–732, 732; in China,
553, 686; in colonies, 518, 523; in Cuba, 707;
in Japan, 428, 768, 769; mass, 502; Rousseau
on, 440; sex, 710; in Southeast Asia, 523; in
Soviet bloc, 676–677; in Turkey, 596; in West,
710; for women, 473, 732. See also Universities
and colleges
Edward VI (England), 367
Egypt: England and, 534; France and, 455, 525,
738; government of, 744; imperialism in, 525–
527; Islam in, 747; literature in, 749; Mamluks
in, 388; modernization of, 525–526; Nasser