Classical Trajectory and Monte Carlo Techniques 58.3 Applications 873
charge exchange cross sections are used to predict the
resulting visible and UV line emissions arising after
electron capture to high principle quantum numbers.
These line emission cross sections are routinely used as
a diagnostic for tokamak fusion plasmas [58.21]. Like-
wise, for low energy collisions, CTMC results have been
used to provide an explanation for the X-ray emission
discovered from comets as they orbit through our solar
system [58.22, 23].
58.3.4 Exotic Projectiles
The study of collisions involving antimatter projectiles,
such as positrons and antiprotons, is a rapidly growing
field which is being spurred on by recent experimental
advances. Such scattering processes are of basic inter-
est, and they also contribute to a better understanding of
normal matter-atom collisions. Antimatter-atom studies
highlight the underlying differences in the dynamics of
the collision, as well as on the partitioning of the overall
scattering. In the Born approximation, ionization cross
sections depend on the square of the projectile’s charge
and are independent of its mass. Thus, the comparison
of the cross sections for electron, positron, proton and
antiproton scattering from a specific target gives a di-
rect indication of higher-order corrections to scattering
Early work using the CTMC method concentrated
on the spectra of ionized electrons for antimatter pro-
jectiles [58.24]. Later work focused on the angular
scattering of the projectiles during electron removal col-
lisions, such as positronium formation, on ratios of the
electron removal cross sections, and on ejected elec-
tron ‘cusp’ and ‘anticusp’ formation. A recent review
that compares various theoretical results and available
experiments is given in [58.25].
58.3.5 Heavy Particle Dynamics
A major attribute of the CTMC method is that it inher-
ently includes the motion of the heavy particles after the
collision. A straight-line trajectory for the projectile is
not assumed, nor is the target nucleus constrained to be
fixed. This allows one to compute easily the differential
cross sections for projectile scattering or the recoil mo-
menta of the target nucleus. As a computational note, the
angular scattering of the projectile should be computed
from the momentum components, not the position coor-
dinates after the collision, since faster convergence of the
cross sections using the projectile momenta is obtained.
For recoil ion momentum transfer studies, one must ini-
tialize the target atom such that the c.m. of the nucleus
plus its electrons has zero momentum so that there is no
initial momentum associated with the target. A common
error is to initialize only the target nucleus momenta
to zero. Then the target atom after a collision has an
artificial residual momentum that is associated with the
Compton profile of the electrons because target–electron
interactions are included in the calculations. Examples
of recoil and projectile scattering cross sections are given
in [58.10,11].
The field of recoil ion momentum spectroscopy is
rapidly expanding and the CTMC theoretical method has
impacted the interpretation and understanding of experi-
mental results because the method inherently provides
a kinematically complete description of the collision
products. For the studied systems, primarily He targets
because of experimental constraints, it is necessary that
a theoretical method be able to follow all ejected elec-
trons and the heavy particles after a collision. As an
example, it has been possible to observe the backward
recoil of the target nucleus in electron capture reac-
tions, which is due to conservation of momentum when
the active electron is transferred from the target’s to
the projectile’s frame of [58.26]. Theoretical methods
are being tested further with the recent development of
magneto-optical-taps (MOT) that provide frozen alkali
metal atomic targets (T 1 mK) from which to perform
recoil ion studies [58.27].
For three- and four-body systems, it is now possible
to measure the momenta of all collision products. These
observations provide a severe test of theory, since all
projectile and target interactions must be included in
calculations. The CTMC method includes all projectile
interactions with the target nucleus and electrons. Thus,
it is possible to calculate fully differential cross sections.
It is of interest that recent triply differential cross sec-
tions calculated using the CTMC method compare very
favorably with sophisticated continuum distorted wave
methods [58.28].
The CTMC technique allows one to incorporate
electrons on both the projectile and target nuclear cen-
ters. All interactions between centers are included. The
only interaction that needs to be approximated is the
electron–electron interactions on a given center. Here,
simple screening parameters derived from Hartree–Fock
calculations are employed to eliminate nonphysical
autoionization. Within this many-electron model, the
signatures of the electron–electron and electron–nuclear
interactions on the dynamics of the collisions have
been observed [58.29, 30]. Further, projectile ionization
studies can be undertaken [58.31].
Part D 58.3