Spectroscopic Techniques: Cavity-Enhanced Methods 43.3 Cavity Enhanced Spectroscopy 637
path length is L
= L/(1 − R). If an absorbing gas
is present, the reflectivity will be “reduced” by the
Beer–Lambert factor e
namely R
= Re
so that
one can effectively relate the ratio R
/R to the Beer–
Lambert ratio I/I
for a single pass. The steady state
transmitted laser intensity for such a cavity is given by
I = I
2(1 − R)
where T is the intensity trans-
missivity I
is the laser intensity, and C
is the coupling
efficiency in the cavity mode. Thus, for an absorbing gas,
the change in transmitted intensity at a given wavelength
∆I/I = GA
1 + GA
, (43.4)
where A = 1 − e
and G = R/(1 − R) so that for
αL 1, (∆I/I) ≈ GA≈ GαL. This latter relation has
been interpreted as a linear response in absorption loss,
multiplied by an effective cavity “gain” of R/(1 − R),
i. e., the absorbance is measured over the effective length
of the cavity which corresponds to the number of cav-
ity passes occurring within the cavity ring-down time
constant. Note that the transmitted power level will
be attenuated by the mirror transmissivity, T,sothat
these methods are limited by laser power and detector
Because CES techniques measure transmitted light
intensity, they are no longer immune to laser intensity
noise. Furthermore, when the absorbance becomes com-
parable to the cavity loss, the sensitivity improvement of
CES saturates, as the sample absorption begins to domi-
nate the effective number of cavity passes. Note that for
this case, the effective path length becomes a function
of the sample concentration, which underlines another
limitation of CES: this technique is not independent of
the cavity length and hence depends on cavity align-
ment. Moreover, CES systems are not self-calibrated
to the species extinction coefficient, and therefore re-
quire calibration against a known sample concentration,
or against the absolute cavity loss, often measured us-
ing CRDS. Finally, it should be noted that the rate of
data collection in CES is limited by the RDC time con-
stant, because the cavity acts like a single-pole, low pass
filter having a 3 dB frequency of (2πτ)
which can
range from 5 to 50 kHz. Unlike CRDS, CES does not re-
quire fast digitization of the decay waveform followed
by a non-linear fit, so that the data acquisition hardware
can be a much slower, less expensive A/D converter and
spectral data can be acquired almost instantaneously.
Five distinguishable variants of CES have been
developed and are discussed. The first three
methods, called cavity enhanced transmission spec-
troscopy (CETS), find their origins in CRDS.These
methods are cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy
(CEAS) [43.17], integrated cavity output spectroscopy
(ICOS) [43.18], and off-axis ICOS [43.19]. For these
three approaches, the laser intensity is no longer inter-
rupted to observe a “ring-down event”, although the
path length enhancing properties of the RDC remain.
More sensitive CES methods involve locking the laser
to the cavity mode resonance. These will be referred to as
locked cavity enhanced transmission spectroscopy and
have two variations: locked cavity enhanced transmis-
sion spectroscopy (L-CETS) [43.20] and noise-immune,
cavity-enhanced optical heterodyne molecular spec-
troscopy (NICE-OHMS) [43.21].
43.3.1 Cavity Enhanced Transmission
Spectroscopy (CETS)
CETS has been implemented using several variations,
all of which are based on measuring the time-integrated
transmission through a high finesse RDC as function of
wavelength. As stated earlier, the transmitted light pro-
vides an effectively enhanced path length to any sample
absorption inside the cavity. The transmitted light inten-
sity in all CETS approaches is a small fraction [about
(1 − R)] of the incident intensity, which reduces the
signal to noise on detection, so that averaging is re-
quired. All CETS approaches are also dependent on laser
intensity noise and sample path length.
The trade-off in using a high finesse cavity is that in
steady state, its transmission is a non-uniform function
of wavelength, and consists of a series of sharp cav-
ity mode peaks, namely the transverse and longitudinal
modes. This transmission pattern repeats itself periodic-
ally every free spectral range (FSR). The density of the
mode spacing is a function of the cavity design: round-
trip length and mirror radius of curvature. The quality
of mode matching between the laser and the RDC deter-
mines the number of modes into which light can couple
CEAS is the simplest CETS approach: the laser,
coupled through a RDC, is tuned in wavelength over
the absorption feature of interest, and the integrated
cavity transmission is measured as a function of wave-
length [43.17]. The cavity length is free-running (neither
modulated nor locked to the laser). In order to minimize
the non-uniformity of cavity transmission, CEAS ex-
ploits cavity geometries such that the inherent mode
structure is as dense as possible. No mode-matching is
employed, so that laser light is coupled into as many
modes as possible. The laser is scanned multiple times
over the cavity modes in order to time average over
Part C 43.3