Entangled Atoms and Fields: Cavity QED 79.3 Strong Coupling in Cavity QED 1173
in Fig. 79.4). This may be interpreted as an anisotropy
of the electromagnetic vacuum, or as a specific antenna
An important problem in detecting the modifi-
cation of radiative properties – changes in emission
rates as well as radiative shifts – arises from their
inhomogeneity due to the dependence on atom–wall
separation. This difficulty has been overcome by control-
ling the atom–wall separation at microscopic distances
through light forces [79.17], or by using well localized
trapped ions [79.13, 14]. Furthermore, spectroscopic
techniques that are only sensitive to a thin layer of sur-
face atoms [79.23] have been used to clearly detect van
der Waals shifts.
An atom emitting a radiation field in the vicinity
of a reflecting wall will experience an additional dipole
optical force caused by its radiation field. This force has
been observed as a modification of the trapping force
holding an ion at a fixed position with respect to the
reflector [79.24].
Conceptually most attractive and experimentally
most difficult to detect is the elusive Casimir interaction.
Only for atomic ground states is this effect observ-
able, free from other much larger shifts. The influence
of the corresponding Casimir force on atomic motion
has been observed in a variant of a scattering experi-
ment, confirming the existence of this force in neutral
atoms [79.19, 20].
The success of this experiment shows that spectro-
scopic techniques involving the exchange of photons
are not suitable for the Casimir problem. A notable ex-
ception could be Raman spectroscopy of the magnetic
substructure in the vicinity of a surface. In general,
scattering or atomic interferometry experiments are
more promising methods. The experiment by Brune
et al. [79.25] may be interpreted in this way.
79.2.6 Cavity QED and Dielectrics
There are two variants of dielectric materials employed
to study light-matter interaction in confined space:
Conventional materials such as glass or sapphire, and
artificial materials called photonic materials or meta-
While dielectric materials are theoretically more dif-
ficult to treat than perfect mirrors, since the radiation at
least partially enters the medium, they have a similar in-
fluence on radiative decay processes. One new aspect is,
however, the coupling of atomic excitations to excita-
tions of the medium, which was observed for the case of
a surface-polariton in [79.26].
Cavities with dimensions comparable to the wave-
length promise the most dramatic modification of
radiative atomic properties, but micrometer sized cav-
ities for optical frequencies with highly reflecting
walls are difficult to manufacture. So-called whisper-
ing gallery modes of spherical microcavities [79.27]
have been intensely studied, but no simple way of cou-
pling atoms to these resonator modes has been found
On the other hand, dielectric materials with a peri-
odic modulation of the index of refraction may exhibit
photonic bandgaps in analogy with electronic bandgaps
in periodic crystals [79.28,29]. Electronic phenomena of
solid state physics can then be transferred to photons. For
example, excited states of a crystal dopant or a quantum
dot cannot radiate into a photonic bandgap, the radia-
tion field cannot propagate, and the excitation energy
remains localized. The bandgap behaves like an empty
resonator, and if a resonator structure is integrated into
the device, the regime of strong coupling [79.30,31] can
be achieved with such photonic structures. An overview
of suitable systems can be found in [79.32].
79.3 Strong Coupling in Cavity QED
Strong coupling of atoms and fields is realized in a good
cavity when Γ
(79.24). The Hilbert space of the
combined system is then the product space of a single
two-level atom and the countable set of Fock-states of
the field,
H = H
, (79.27)
which is spanned by the states
|n;a=|n|a .
The interaction of a single cavity mode with an iso-
lated atomic resonance is now characterized by the Rabi
nutation frequency, which gives the exchange frequency
of the energy between atom and field. For an amplitude
E corresponding to n photons,
Ω(n) = g
n +1 . (79.29)
This is the simplest possible situation of a strongly
coupled atom–field system. The new energy eigenvec-
tors are conveniently expressed in the dressed atom
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