1196 Part F Quantum Optics
it. Measurement of any polarization component for one
of the particles will yield a count with 50% probability;
individually, each particle is unpolarized. Nevertheless,
if one measures the polarization component of particle 1
in any basis, one can predict with certainty the po-
larization of particle 2 in the same basis, seemingly
without disturbing it, since it may be arbitrarily remote.
Therefore, according to EPR, to avoid any nonlocal in-
fluences one should ascribe an “element of reality” to
every component of polarization. A quantum mechan-
ical state cannot specify that much information, and is
consequently an incomplete description, according to
the EPR argument. The intuitive explanation implied
by EPR is that the particles leave the source with def-
inite, correlated properties, determined by some local
“hidden variables” not present in quantum mechanics
For two entangled particles, a local hidden variable
(LHV) theory can be made which correctly describes
perfect correlations or anti-correlations (i. e., measure-
ments made in the same polarization basis). The choice
of an LHV theory versus QM is then a philosophical
decision, not a physical one. However, in 1964 John
Bell [80.159] discovered that QM gives different statis-
tical predictions than does any LHV theory, for situations
of nonperfect correlations (i. e., analyzers at intermedi-
ate angles). Bell’s inequality (BI) constrains various joint
probabilities given by any local realistic theory, and was
later generalized to include any model incorporating lo-
cality [80.161, 162], and also extended to apply to real
experimental situations [80.163, 164]. With the caveat
of supplementary assumptions (Sect. 80.6.4), Bell’s in-
equalities have now been tested many times, and the vast
majority of experiments have violated them, in support
of QM. One general interpretation is that the predictions
of QM cannot be reproduced by any completely local
theory. It must be that the results of measurements on
one of the particles depend on the results for the other,
and these correlations are not merely due to a common
cause at their creation [80.165, 166].
80.6.2 Polarization-Based Tests
The first BI tests were performed with pairs of pho-
tons produced via an atomic cascade, and a later version
incorporated rapid (albeit periodic) switching of the
analyzers [80.167, 168]. Unfortunately, the angular cor-
relation of the cascade photons is not very strong. In
contrast, the strong correlations of the down-converted
photons make them ideal for such tests, the first of which
were performed using setups essentially identical to that
already discussed in connection with quantum erasure
(Fig. 80.4). Orthogonally polarized (e.g., horizontal and
vertical) but otherwise identical photons are combined
on a nonpolarizing 50–50 beam splitter. If one consid-
ers only the events with a single photon in each output
(i. e., ignoring the cases for which both photons use the
same beam splitter output port), one obtains the (post-
selected) entangled state (80.9) [80.169, 170]. (In fact,
this technique is now used as a method for characteriz-
ing the indistinguishability of photons from independent
sources, e.g., quantum dots [80.171] or independent
down-conversion crystals [80.172, 173].)
Down-conversion schemes have also been developed
to produce entangled states without the need to post-
select out half of the photons. For example, consider
a type-I phase-matched crystal (Sect. 72.2.2) that down-
converts H-polarized pump photons into V-polarized
pairs; and an adjacent, identical crystal that is rotated
by 90
, thus down-converting V-polarized pump pho-
tons into H-polarized pairs. By coherently pumping
the two crystals with light polarized at |45≡(|V +
2, one obtains the entangled state (|HH +
|VV /
2. (More generally, pumping α|V +e
produces arbitrary nonmaximally entangled states of
the form α|HH+e
β|VV [80.174].) Such a source
has produced the largest and fastest violations of Bell
inequalities to date (over 200-σ violation in less than
1 second) [80.175, 176].
Using type-II phase-matching one also can pro-
duce polarization entanglement from a single crys-
tal [80.177]. One member of each down-conversion
pair is emitted along an ordinary polarized cone while
the other is emitted along an extraordinary polarized
cone. If the photons happen to be emitted along the
intersection of the two cones, neither photon will have
a definite polarization – they will be in the state (|HV +
|VH /
2. This entanglement source has now been
used in a variety of quantum investigations, including
Bell inequality tests [80.177, 178], quantum cryptog-
raphy [80.179, 180] (Sect. 80.7.4 and Chapt. 81)and
teleportation [80.181, 182], and as a resource for study-
ing entanglement of more than 2 photons [80.37–42].
80.6.3 Nonpolarization Tests
The advent of parametric down-conversion has also led
to the appearance of several nonpolarization-based BI
tests, using, for example, an entanglement of the pho-
ton momenta (Fig. 80.8) [80.183]. By use of small irises
(labeled ‘A’ in the figure), Rarity and Tapster examined
four down-conversion modes: 1s, 1i, 2s, and 2i. Beams
Part F 80.6