Quantum Degenerate Gases References 1123
Superfluid-Mott Insulator Transition. Because the size
of the state space tends to grow as L
with the number
of lattice sites L, direct numerical solutions to the multi-
well problem are computationally intractable. This is
somewhat unfortunate, as a long lattice also presents be-
haviors with no obvious analogs in the two-well case,
and for which analytical approximations have proven
hard to come by. When tunneling dominates, the system
is in what is referred to as the superfluid phase. Fluctu-
ations of atom number between the states are relatively
large. On the other hand, if atom–atom interactions dom-
inate, it becomes costly in energy to put anything but an
exact number state of atoms at each lattice site. This is
the Mott insulator phase. According to calculations car-
ried out using the so-called Gutzwiller ansatz, the ground
state of an optical lattice inserted in an atom trap con-
sists of regions with the same integer number of atoms
at the lattice sites within each region [76.33]. When the
parameters of the system are varied, in what is known as
a quantum phase transition, the system should abruptly
switch between these phases.
The superfluid-Mott insulator transition has been
observed experimentally [76.34]. Lattice parameters, es-
pecially tunneling, can be varied easily by changing the
intensity of the lattice light. The observation of the tran-
sition is by means of phase coherence. In the superfluid
state the system is characterized by a global macroscopic
wave function. When the atoms are released from the lat-
tice, atoms originating from different sites are capable
of interference, and the interference pattern reflects the
lattice structure. On the other hand, in the Mott insu-
lator phase the lattice sites are in number states with
little phase coherence between them, and there is no
interference pattern.
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