We are going to design two products between blades to compute with intersections. They
will be called
meet and join, and denoted by ∩ and ∪ to signify that they are meant to
represent the geometric intersection and union of two blades. The setlike notation will not
be confusing (we hardly use sets in this book), and in fact is a helpful
reminder that the
resulting elements are not fully quantified blades and that the products are nonlinear.
Consider two blades A and B, which happen to contain some common blade. To be pre-
cise, let M be the largest common divisor of A and B in the sense of the outer product.
This is the algebraic formalization of their geome tric intersection; we will call it
and denote it by A ∩ B.
Algebraically, we should be able to factor out M from both A and B, since it is contained
in both. We do this in a particular order, writing
A = A
∧ M and B = M ∧ B
If A and B are disjoint, then M is a scalar (a 0-blade).
A and B together reside within a blade J, their smallest common multiple in term
s of
the outer product. This is a pseudoscalar of the subspace in which this meet intersection
problem actually resides. We will call it their
join and denote it by A ∪ B, for it is the
geometric union of the subspaces. It is clear that
join and meet are related through the
factorization, for we can write
A ∪ B = A
∧ M ∧ B
and A ∩ B = M.
e already observed, when we discussed the geometry of Figure 5.1, that we should expect
this factorization by M not to be unique. Indeed, in (5.1) we may multiply M by a scalar
γ. Then A
must be multiplied by 1/γ to preserve A, and similar for B.Asaconsequence,
this would multiply the
join result of (5.2) by 1/γ. So we can always trade off a scalar
factor between the
meet and the join, of any weight or sign. This ambiguity need not be
a problem in geometrical usage of the outcome. For instance, a projection of a vector x to
meet subspace M is given by (xM
)M, and this is invariant to the scalar ambiguity
since it involves both M and M
1 The reader should be warned that the terminology of “join” and “meet” is used in some literature in a different
sense, directly corresponding to our outer product, and our operation of contraction with a dual, respectively.
Those are then truly linear products, though they do not always compute the geometric union and intersection
(they return zero in degenerate situations). To add to the confusion, that literature uses the notations
∨ for their
join” and ∧ for their “meet.”