2.3 Crystal Electric Fields 49
the cation relative to free space is determined by the strength of the resulting ionic
bond. When the electrons orbiting the cation nucleus are considered, the separate
states of a degenerate orbital term are split by the perturbation in the manner of a
Stark effect, which typically amount to about 10% of the lattice bonding energy,
depending on the relative proximities of the various wavefunction lobes to the anion
charges. This perturbation field from the anion coordination is called the crystal
field. When the orbital wavefunctions of the anions are taken into account, the point
charges are elevated to the status of ligands, and the eigenfunctions of the orbital
states are hybridized to include both cation and anion contributions. The crystal-
field model then forms the basis of ligand field theory that in turn serves as the
foundation for the molecular-orbital concepts described in later sections.
Although the bonding is principally ionic in oxide compounds, the smaller cova-
lent component is critically important for the electronic and magnetic properties of
compounds with cations of a transition series. To analyze states of an ion for which
the orbiting d electrons interact with the negative charges of the anion coordination,
the effects of point-charge crystal fields on orbital angular momentum of the cation
are examined first.
2.3.1 Angular Momentum States
To introduce the quantum mechanical effects of Stark splittings to the free ion orbital
angular momentum states, it is necessary to review the formation of the multielec-
tron orbital terms that are usually governed by Hund’s rules, which state that the
lowest energy multiplet term has the following:
1. The maximum possible combined spin value S,and
2. Within the maximum S manifold, the maximum combined L.
These rules originate from the Pauli exclusion principle and the quantum mechanical
necessity for spins to align parallel when dispersed among the set of orthogonal
orbital wavefunctions by mutual electrostatic repulsion. To visualize the “laddering”
exercise, Fig. 2.3 illustrates schematically the situation among the states of a d
series. The rows of stacked boxes represent an orbital angular momentum value
of operator l
. Each box can hold two electrons, one for each up or down spin
orientation as required by the Pauli exclusion principle. Beginning with the lower
half of the series from d
to d
, the electrons are added sequentially, obeying the
spin polarization requirement to fill the first five up spin compartments and produce
a half-filled set of orbitals with the maximum spin value of S D 5=2 when the d
limit is reached.
From an energy standpoint, the half-filled shell is most stable because each d
electron occupies a separate orthogonal orbital state, and the destabilizing effect of
the mutual repulsion is a minimum. This correlated spatial dispersal of the polarized
spins beyond a random distribution reduces the screening of the nucleus and stabi-
lizes the spins in proportion to their numbers (or their combined S). As the upper