542 Classical and quantum cr yptography
In 3DES, three independent secret keys are used; one can simply iterate DES with
three keys. A different approach, referred to by ANSI as TDEA (triple data encryp-
tion algorithm) is to use a combination of encryption and decryption with the three
keys: if K
, K
, K
are the three keys and E
and D
the encryption and decryp-
tion functions with a given key K , the cipher C and message M are defined by
C = E
K 3
K 2
K 1
and M = D
K 1
K 2
K 3
, respectively. With 3DES,
the complexity is really a whopping 2
In spite of the improvements introduced by double and triple encryption, DES further
evolved into the advanced encryption standard (AES), with the prospect of lasting use
in future decades. It is beyond the scope of this chapter to enter into the algorithmic
features of DES and AES. For a rapid but detailed introduction of the DEA and AES,
see, for instance, my earlier publication.
However, it is worthwhile highlighting here
some of the innovating features of AES. Basically, AES is a symmetric encryption
algorithm using blocks of 128 bit (twice the size of DES), and key sizes of 128, 192 or
256 bits (twice or four times the 64-bit DES key size). The ground-breaking innovation
in AES is the introduction of byte-to-byte multiplication, which comes as a supplemental
operation resource to the Boolean XOR addition of previous DES. For the bytes to keep
a constant size under multiplication, the operation requires the bytes to be expressed
in a polynomial representation, and the multiplication to be performed modulo some
irreducible polynomial. Although we will not have any use of polynomial multiplication
in this chapter, its principle is described in Appendix Y, for the sake of education and
also for the curious or demanding. The AES algorithm is completed by various stages
of mingling together the plaintext and key “sub-bytes,” shifting the result by rows and
columns, and effecting complex permutations thereof through an “S-box” look-up table.
Cryptanalysts have shown that with a 256-bit key, AES has a complexity of 2
not 2
), which comes close, so to speak, to that of 3DES, which is about three orders
of magnitude greater (2
As a concluding statement, it should be stressed herewith that cryptography is hardly
limited to encryption, decryption and key exchange protocols. Indeed, to communicate
messages safely through any of the above-described cryptosystems is not all that mat-
ters in real cryptospace. There exists a broad catalog of other severe issues and more
immediate threats, which academics focusing on quantum alter natives generally tend
to overlook, while these represent far more serious exposures to attacks, even at basic
network layers. For instance, how can Bob be confident that Alice is the real Alice, and
the reverse? How are they confident that their messages, as received, are the ones they
intended to share? This is the realm of digital signatures and message authentication.
As the name indicates, a digital s ignature is a way of certifying, within reasonable
confidence, that the message originator Alice is really the person claimed, or that her
signature is technically unforgeable. Authentication is different. It ensures that nothing
in the message was altered, even to the level of a single punctuation mark. This protec-
tion is important in all matters per taining to official records, such as titles, patents, or
E. Desurvire, Wiley Survival Guide in Global Telecommunications, Broadband Access, Optical Components
and Networks, and Cryptography (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2004), Ch. 3, pp. 345–477.