7.6 Finite-Dimensional Normed Spaces 207
is a Cauchy sequence in W . Then since T
is Lipschitz, the sequence
= T
for k ≥ 1 is Cauchy in R
. (Check this yourself!) Since R
complete (Theorem 4.2.5), the sequence x
converges to a vector x. Again by
Corollary 7.6.2, we see that w
must converge to w = T x. Thus W is complete.
In particular, all of the limit points of W lie in W , so W is closed. ¥
As an application of these corollaries, we prove the following result, which is
fundamental to approximation theory.
7.6.5. THEOREM. Let (V, k·k) be a normed vector space, and let W be a finite
dimensional subspace of V . Then for any v ∈ V , there is at least one closest point
∈ W so that kv − w
k = inf{kv − wk : w ∈ W }.
PROOF. Notice that the zero vector is in W and so
inf{kv − wk : w ∈ W } ≤ kv − 0k = kvk.
Let M = kvk. If w satisfies kv − wk ≤ kvk, then
kwk ≤ kw − vk + kvk ≤ M + M = 2M.
Thus if we define K := {w ∈ W : kwk ≤ 2M}, then
inf{kv − wk : w ∈ K} = inf{kv − wk : w ∈ W }.
We will show that K is compact. Clearly K is bounded by 2M. The norm
function is Lipschitz, and hence continuous. Thus any convergent sequence of
vectors in K will converge to a vector of norm at most 2M. And since W is
complete, this limit also lies in W ; whence the limit lies in K. This shows that K
is closed and bounded. By our corollary, it follows that K is compact.
Now define a function on K by f (w) = kv − wk. This function has Lipschitz
constant 1 since
|f(w) − f(x)| =
kv − wk − kv − xk
≤ kw − xk.
In particular, f is continuous on the compact set K. By the Extreme Value Theorem
(Theorem 5.4.4), f achieves its minimum at some point w
in K. This is a closest
point to v in W . ¥
Exercises for Section 7.6
A. Let V be a finite-dimensional vector space with two norms k · k and ||| · |||. Show that
there are constants 0 < a < A such that akvk ≤ |||v||| ≤ Akvk for all v ∈ V .
B. Let T be the invertible linear map from Corollary 7.6.2.
(a) Use the Lipschitz property of T and T
to show that T (B
(x)) contains a ball
about T x in V ; and that T
(T x)) contains a ball about x in R
(b) Hence show directly that U is open if and only if T (U) is open.
C. Write out a careful proof of Corollary 7.6.3.