1967, the Attica Prison Riot in 1971, the Los Angeles Uprising in 1992, and the
“Day without an Immigrant” protests in 2006.
The dark side of protest by ethnic groups in the United States, however, was
always present as a counterpoint. Frequently taking the form of race riots, Ameri-
cans protested and sometimes resorted to violence when they felt their lifestyle
was being threatened by minority ethnic groups . The P hiladelphia Nativist Riots
in 1844 saw many people protest the increasing presence of German America ns,
most of whom were Catholic. A decade later, Bleeding Kansas, although techni-
cally over states’ rights, had a significant racial component, as Jayhawkers did
not want slavery in their free-soil territory. The list that follows is almost too long
to believe. A selective recounting would include the Portland Rum Riot in 1855,
the Know-Nothing Riots in 1855–1856, the N ew York Draft Riots in 1863, the
New Orleans Riot of 1866, the Colfax Massacre in 1873, the Seattle Riot in
1886, the Lattimer Massacre in 1897, the New Orleans Race Riot in 1900, the
Atlanta Ra ce Riot in 1906, the Spr ingfie ld Race Riot in 1908, the Houston Riot
in 1917, the Red Summer of 1919, and the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921.
These are but a few of the reasons that groups of Americans, over the course of
their histories, have chosen to rise up against what they saw as the powers of
repression in their lives. There ar e many othe r reasons why revolts have broken
out. Religion (Leisler’s Rebellion in 1689, the Philadelphia Election Riot in
1742, and the Utah War in 1857), independence movements (the Texas Revolt in
1835, the Bear Flag Revolt in 1846), and antiwar activism (the Green Corn
Rebellion in 1917 and the Chicago Riots in 1968) have all been powerful motives
causing Americans to turn to coll ective action. If this history shows us anything,
it must be obvious that collective rebellion and revolt is a constant theme in
American life. The reasons have changed through the years, but the fact that
Americans take action to feed the “tree of liberty” with regularity has not. A look
at the news in early 2010 shows that a new movement known as the Tea Party,
whose history is still being written, is taking collecti v e action against what they see
as troubling signs of leftist leani ngs in their government. Although violence has
not yet broken out, there has been enough violent rhetoric—with gun-owning Tea
Partiers congregating on the banks of the Potomac, across from Washington, DC—
to cause concern. Whether or not one agrees with the Tea Partiers’ agenda, it is
obvious that they are more than willing to stage another revolt, rebellion, or even a
rev olution, if it means a restoration of their vision of America.
Intended for high school and undergraduate students and for the interested
general public, Revolts, Protests, Demonstrations, and Rebellions in American
History is divided into 71 topic sections, which each section containing from three
to seven essays. An introductory essay describes the causes, course, and conse-
quences of the particular rebellion, revolt, riot, or uprising, with subsequent essays
xxiv Introduction