So far, this text has concentrated on developing simple mathematical models to
describe the physics of reservoir depletion and fluid flow. Examples of these are the
zero dimensional material balance equation (Chapter 3) and the analytical solutions of
linear second order differential equations for radial flow (Chapters 5-8).
Sometimes, however, these simple models are totally inadequate to provide the
required solutions to reservoir engineering problems. In a strong natural water drive
reservoir, for instance, the zero dimensional material balance can be used to predict
the volume of water influx, but it can never predict where the water will preferentially
move in the reservoir and such knowledge may be required to determine the location of
additional production or injection wells. Furthermore, not all reservoir problems can be
formulated in terms of linear differential equations for which standard solutions can be
sought. Nobody, for instance, would attempt to solve simultaneously the equations for
three phase (oil — water—gas) flow in three dimensions with irregular boundary
conditions, using an analytical approach. To deal with complex reservoir problems the
engineer must resort to numerical simulation methods and particularly so for
displacement problems, in which one of the main aims is to determine the areal
distribution of fluids in the reservoir resulting from a flood.
A numerical simulator is a computer program which permits the user to divide the
reservoir into discrete grid blocks which may each be characterised by having different
reservoir properties. The flow of fluids from block to block is governed by the principle
of mass conservation coupled with Darcy's law. Flow into or out of a block, due to
presence of an injection or production well, is also catered for. Most simulators are
capable of solving large sets of second order differential equations for the
simultaneous flow of oil, gas and water, in three dimensions. In addition the effects of
natural water influx, fluid compressibility, mass transfer between gas and liquid phases
and the variation of such parameters as porosity and permeability, as functions of
pressure, can all be modelled. The differential equations themselves are generally
formulated using the finite difference analogue for first and second order differentials
and solved simultaneously using numerical techniques with some acceptable, small
error attached to each solution.
It is not intended, in this text, to describe numerical simulation in any great detail.
Indeed, at the time of writing, such a description would require not merely another text
book but a small encyclopaedia. Instead, since this chapter has concentrated on the
generation of averaged relative permeabilities and pseudo capillary pressures, as
functions of the thickness averaged water saturation; the description of simulation will
be confined to the way in which these vitally important parameters are handled by the
simulator. To accomplish this, the simple case of linear, incompressible displacement
of oil by water will be considered, for which the appropriate mass conservation
equations for reservoir fluids will be presented. This simplifies and concentrates the
description since the pressure dependent terms, densities and viscosities, can safely
be regarded as being independent of pressure. Thus only the variation in time and