corrosion and degradation of organic materials through hydrolysis and oxidation. The local
environment at the surface is evidence of the nearby environment, itself influenced by the
meso- and macro-scale environments that it is a subset of.
Strategies for dealing with pollutants must involve examining the effect of exposure
(material dependent), along with additional contributing factors such as temperature, RH,
UV and visible radiation and the presence of additional sources or sinks in the immediate
vicinity. The consideration of all these factors in the context of a risk assessment, possibly on
a range of scales, will need to be performed in conjunction with a monitoring program. Many
control strategies exist: filtering, using sorbents, barriers, increasing ventilation rates, reduc-
ing exposure time, using enclosures, etc., all potentially subject to a cost–benefit analysis.
7.1. Oxide products
Previously, we discussed the fact that aerosol size depended on its source (surf or white-
caps), but as marine aerosols are hygroscopic, their size also depends on ambient RH.
Further, when an aerosol first breaks free of a wave, it has a seawater composition, and
then it gradually equilibrates (and thus decreases in size). Thus, marine aerosols may take
four forms (Cole et al., 2004b) – non-equilibrium, near-ocean aerosol (size range 6–300 mm),
wet aerosol (3–150 mm), partially wet aerosol (1–60 mm) and dry aerosol (<1–20 mm) –
depending on time of flight and ambient RH. These size ranges are based on aerosol mass
or volume; mean sizes based on the number or the surface area of aerosols are much
smaller. When these aerosols are deposited on a metal surface, a number of characteristic
surface “forms” result from the surface–aerosol interaction (Cole et al., 2004b). These
forms differ in the extent of retained salts, degree of surface alteration and in the forma-
tion of corrosion nodules. For example, when a wet aerosol impacts on an aluminum
surface (limited initial reactivity), a cluster of deposited salt crystals forms. These crystals
have compositions of either NaCl, MgCl or CaSO
, indicating that the original seawater
solutions have segregated. In contrast, if the same aerosol impacts on a galvanized steel
surface, there will be strong oxide growth on the surface (predominately simonkolleite and
gordaite), with the retention of a NaCl crystal on this oxide layer. Interestingly, rather than
the clean crystal edges that are observed for the NaCl crystal formation on aluminum, the
NaCl crystal on galvanized steel appears to blend into the underlying oxide. Further oxide
formation tends to be favored at the grain boundaries and triple points on the galvanized
surface (see Fig. 14).
Recent work by Cole et al. (2004c) investigated the phases that form when microliter
saline drops were placed on zinc. This study demonstrated the variety of corrosion prod-
ucts that may form, and highlighted the importance of mixed cation products in a situation
where Na and Mg concentrations are several orders of magnitude higher than the Zn
concentration generated by anodic activity. The study also highlighted that when dealing
with microliter droplets, processes within the droplet (anodic and cathodic activity, mass
transport and diffusion) can dramatically alter droplet chemistry and lead to corrosion
products that would not be expected from the initial conditions.
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et al.