52 The glory years of weather modification
a maximum updraft speed (w) in the layer between −10
C and −20
C, many
raindrops may become suspended just above the updraft maximum. This is because
the fall speed of raindrops approaches a maximum value slightly greater than
9m s
for raindrops larger than 2.3 mm in radius (see lower insert Fig. 2.18).
The region just above the updraft maximum serves as a trap for large raindrops,
and rainwater accumulates in the region as long as an updraft speed greater than
9m s
persists. Supercooled liquid water contents greater than 17 g m
been reported in such regions. Normal values of supercooled liquid content rarely
exceed 2–4 g m
If now a few supercooled raindrops freeze in the zone of accumulated liquid
water content, they will experience a liquid-water-rich environment and hailstone
growth can proceed quite rapidly. The frozen supercooled raindrops serve as
very effective hailstone embryos, greatly accelerating the rate of formation of
millimeter-sized ice particles. Observations of thunderstorms near Huntsville,
Alabama, with multiparameter Doppler radar revealed regions of very high radar
reflectivity where ice particles were not detected. Light hailfall was observed at
the surface. These observations are consistent with the Soviet hail model.
Conceptual model of hail formation in ordinary multicell thunderstorms
Previously we described a multicell thunderstorm as a storm containing several
cells each undergoing a life cycle of 45 to 60 minutes. Over the High Plains of
the United States and Canada, multicell thunderstorms are found to be prolific
producers of hailstones; if not the very largest in size, at least the most frequent.
Large hailstones grow during the mature stage of the cells illustrated in Fig. 2.14
when updrafts may exceed 30 m s
. In such strong updrafts, the time available
for the growth of hailstones from small ice crystals to lightly rimed ice crystals,
to graupel particles or aggregates of snowflakes, to hailstone embryos, is only 5
or 6 minutes! This time is far too short, as it takes some 10–15 minutes for an ice
particle to grow large enough to begin collecting supercooled cloud droplets or
aggregating with other ice crystals to form an embryonic hailstone. The mature
stage of each thunderstorm cell provides the proper updraft speeds and liquid water
contents for mature hailstones to grow, but they must be sizeable precipitation
particles at the time they enter the strong updrafts in order to take advantage of
such a favored environment. Here is where the growth stage of each cell is very
important to hailstone growth, as the weaker, transient, updrafts provide sufficient
time for the growth of graupel particles and aggregates of snow crystals, which
can then serve as hailstone embryos as the cell enters its mature stage. The growth
stage of the multicellular thunderstorm thereby preconditions the ice particles and
allows them to take full advantage of the high water contents of the mature stage
of the storm. Upon entering the mature stage, the millimeter-sized ice particles