The dynamic mode of cloud seeding 21
growth of ice crystals causes the lowering of the cloud saturation pressure below
water saturation, resulting in the evaporation of cloud droplets to restore the cloud
to water saturation. The evaporation of cloud droplets absorbs the latent heat
of vaporization or 250 × 10
, resulting in a net warming of the cloud of
for the vapor deposited on the ice crystals. Only if all condensed
liquid water is evaporated and deposited on ice crystals will the cloud experience
the full warming effects of the latent heat of sublimation.
Moreover, if supercooled cloud droplets or raindrops freeze by contacting an
ice crystal or ice nuclei, the phase transformation from liquid to ice will release
the latent heat of fusion or 033 × 10
of water frozen. In some instances,
so much supercooled water may freeze that the cloud can become subsaturated
with respect to ice causing the sublimation of ice crystals and partially negating
the positive heat released by freezing.
Why is this heating important to clouds? Many clouds such as cumulus clouds
are buoyancy-driven. When a small volume of air, which we shall call an air
parcel, becomes warmer than its environment it expands and displaces a volume of
environmental air equal to the weight of the warm air. According to Archimedes’
principle, the warmed air will be buoyed up with a force that is equal to the
weight of the displaced environmental air. This upward-directed buoyancy force
will then accelerate a cloud parcel upwards similar to the upward acceleration
one can experience in a hot air balloon when the air inside the balloon is heated
with a propane burner. The simple addition of heat to atmospheric air parcels,
however, does not guarantee that the air will become buoyant.
The buoyancy of a cloud is determined not only by how warm a cloud is with
respect to its environment, but also by how much water is condensed in a cloud.
Condensed water produces negative buoyancy, such that a cloud that is warmer
than its environment can actually become negatively buoyant due to the load of
condensed water it must carry. One consequence of a precipitation process is that
it unloads the upper portions of a cloud from its burden of condensed water (see
Fig. 2.5a). Unleashed from its burden of condensed water, the top of the cloud can
penetrate deeper into the atmosphere. Of course, the water that settles from the
upper part of the cloud transfers the burden of condensed water to lower levels,
causing a weakening of updrafts or formation of downdrafts at lower levels.
Once the raindrops settle into the subsaturated, subcloud layer, they begin to
evaporate. Evaporation of the raindrops absorbs latent heat from the surrounding
air, thereby cooling the air. The denser, evaporatively chilled air sinks towards
the surface, spreading horizontally as it approaches the ground (see Fig. 2.5).
The dense, horizontally spreading air undercuts the warm, moist air, often ele-
vating it to the lifting condensation level (LCL) and perhaps the level of free
convection (LFC). Thus, the settling of raindrops below cloud base can promote