110 Logic, Automata and Relations
Sort constraints are also applied to specifications and automated inductive
proofs in [BJ97] where tree automata are used to represent some normal forms
sets. They are used in logic programming and automated reasoning [FSVY91,
GMW97], in order to get more efficient procedures for fragments which fall
into the scope of tree automata techniques. They are also used in automated
deduction in order to increase the expressivity of (counter-)model constructions
Concerning encompassment, M. Dauchet et al gave a more general result
(dropping the linearity requirement) in [DCC95]. We will come back to this
result in the next chapter.
3.6.5 Application of tree automata to semantic unification
Rigid unification was originally considered by J. Gallier et al. [GRS87] who
showed that this is a key notion in extending the matings method to a logic
with equality. Several authors worked on this problem and it is out of the scope
of this book to give a list of references. Let us simply mention that the result
of Section 3.4.5 can be found in [Vea97b]. Further results on application of tree
automata to rigid unification can be found in [DGN
98], [GJV98].
Tree automata are also used in solving classical semantic unification prob-
lems. See e.g. [LM93] [KFK97] [Uri92]. For instance, in [KFK97], the idea is to
capture some loops in the narrowing procedure using tree automata.
3.6.6 Application of tree automata to decision problems
in term rewriting
Some of the applications of tree automata to term rewriting follow from the
results on encompassment theory. Early works in this area are also mentioned
in the bibliographic notes of Chapter 1. The reader is also referred to the survey
The first-order theory of the binary (many-steps) reduction relation w.r.t.
a ground rewrite system has been shown decidable by. M . Dauchet and S.
Tison [DT90]. Extensions of the theory, including some function symbols, or
other predicate symbols like the parallel rewriting or the termination predicate
(Terminate(t) holds if there is no infinite reduction sequence starting from t),
or fair termination etc... remain decidable [Tis89]. See also the exercises.
Both the theory of one step and the theory of many steps rewriting are
undecidable for arbitrary R [Tre96 ].
Reduction strategies for term rewriting have been first studied by Huet and
L´evy in 1978 [HL91]. They show here the decidability of strong sequential-
ity for orthogonal rewrite systems. This is based on an approximation of the
rewrite system which, roughly, only considers the left sides of the rules. Bet-
ter approximation, yielding refined criteria were further proposed in [Oya93],
[Com95], [Jac96]. The orthogonality requirement has also been replaced with
the weaker condition of left linearity. The first relation between tree automata,
WSkS and reduction strategies is pointed out in [Com95]. Further studies of
call-by-need strategies, which are still based on tree automata, but do not use
a detour through monadic second-order logic can be found in [DM97]. For all
these works, a key property is the preservation of regularity by (many-steps)
rewriting, which was shown for ground systems in [Bra69], for linear systems
TATA — November 18, 2008 —