3.2 Automata on Tuples of Finite Trees 75
We start this chapter by reviewing some possible definitions of automata
on pairs (or, more generally, tuples) of finite trees in Section 3.2. We define in
this way several notions of recognizability for relations, which are not necessary
unary, extending the frame of chapter 1. This extension is necessary since,
automata recognizing the solutions of formulas actually recognize n-tuples of
solutions, if there are n free variables in the formula.
The most natural way of defining a notion of recognizability on tuples is to
consider products of recognizable sets. Though this happens to be sometimes
sufficient, this notion is often too weak. For instance the example of Figure 3.1
could not be defined as a product of recognizable sets. Rather, we stacked the
words and recognized these codings. Such a construction can be generalized to
trees (we have to over lap instead of stacking) and gives rise to a second notion
of recognizability. We will also introduce a third class called “Ground Tree
Transducers” which is weaker than the second class above but enjoys stronger
closure properties, for instance by iteration. Its usefulness will become evident
in Section 3.4.
Next, in Section 3.3, we introduce the weak second-order monadic logic with
k successor and show Thatcher and Wright’s theorem which relates this logic
with finite tree automata. This is a modest insight into the relations between
logic and automata.
Finally in Section 3.4 we survey a number of applications, mostly issued
from Term Rewriting or Constraint Solving. We do not detail this part (we
give references instead). The goal is to show how the simple techniques devel-
oped before can be applied to various questions, with a special emphasis on
decision problems. We consider the theories of sort constraints in Section 3.4.1,
the theory of linear encompassment in Section 3.4.2, the theory of ground term
rewriting in Section 3.4.3 and reduction strategies in orthogonal term rewrit-
ing in Section 3.4.4. Other examples are given as exercises in Section 3.5 or
considered in chapters 4 and 5.
3.2 Automata on Tuples of Finite Trees
3.2.1 Three Notions of Recognizability
Let Rec
be the subset of n-ary relations on T (F) which are finite unions of
products S
× · · · × S
where S
, . . . , S
are recognizable subsets of T (F). This
notion of recognizability of pairs is the simplest one can imagine. Automata for
such relations consist of pairs of tree automata which work independently. This
notion is however quite weak, as e.g. the diagonal
∆ = {(t, t) | t ∈ T (F)}
does not belong to Rec
. Actually a relation R ∈ Rec
does not really relate
its components!
The second notion of recognizability is used in the correspondence with
WSkS and is strictly stronger than the above one. Roughly, it consists in over-
lapping the components of a n-tuple, yielding a term on a product alphabet.
Then define Rec as the set of sets of pairs of terms whose overlapping coding is
recognized by a tree automaton on the product alphabet.
TATA — November 18, 2008 —