66 / Cold and Hot Forging: Fundamentals and Applications
hydraulic press. Figures 6.11(a) and (b) show
the temperature distribution at the end of the Ti-
6242 3:1.5:0.5 in. (76:38:12.5 mm) ring test in
the hydraulic press and the mechanical press.
The hydraulic press has more die chilling due to
longer contact time of the workpiece to the dies
before and during deformation. The ring com-
pressed in the mechanical press shows a lot of
heat building up during deformation. There are
zones inside the ring having temperatures above
1850 F (1010 C), which is around 25 F (14
C) higher than the beta transus of Ti-6242.
However, the temperature gradient is less in the
ring forged in the mechanical press and the de-
formation is more uniform and the bulge is less
pronounced in this ring. The forgers may make
use of the difference in press speed and contact
time on heat transfer for different forging appli-
cations. For alpha-beta titanium forging, the
temperature increase to above beta transus is not
desired. Therefore, hydraulic press forging is
beneficial. For beta titanium forging, steel forg-
ing, and selected superalloy forging, tempera-
ture increase during forging is not critical and
high-speed forging machines such as mechani-
cal press, screw press, and hammer can all be
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