7. Operation of Nozzles at Different Back Pressures 741
heat conduction alone cannot provide the entire structure. In fact, Becker (1922)
(footnote, p. 341) credits Prandtl for originating this idea. Cohen and Moraff (1971)
provided the structure of both the outer (heat conducting) and inner (isothermal vis-
cous) shocks. The variable η is a dimensionless length scale measured very roughly
in units of mean free paths. We see that a measure of shock thickness is of the order
of 5 mean free paths.
7. Operation of Nozzles at Different Back Pressures
Nozzles are used to accelerate a fluid stream and are employed in such systems as
wind tunnels, rocket motors, and steam turbines. A pressure drop is maintained across
it. In this section we shall examine the behavior of a nozzle as the exit pressure is
varied. It will be assumed that the fluid is supplied from a large reservoir where the
pressure is maintained at a constant value p
(the stagnation pressure), while the
“back pressure” p
in the exit chamber is varied. In the following discussion, we
need to note that the pressure p
at the exit plane of the nozzle must equal the back
pressure p
if the flow at the exit plane is subsonic, but not if it is supersonic. This
must be true because sharp pressure changes are only allowed in a supersonic flow.
Convergent Nozzle
Consider first the case of a convergent nozzle shown in Figure 16.13, which examines
a sequence of states a through c during which the back pressure is gradually lowered.
For curve a, the flow throughout the nozzle is subsonic. As p
is lowered, the Mach
number increases everywhere and the mass flux through the nozzle also increases.
This continues until sonic conditions are reached at the exit, as represented by curve b.
Further lowering of the back pressure has no effect on the flow inside the nozzle. This
is because the fluid at the exit is now moving downstream at the velocity at which no
pressure changes can propagate upstream. Changes in p
therefore cannot propagate
upstream after sonic conditions are reached at the exit. We say that the nozzle at this
stage is choked because the mass flux cannot be increased by further lowering of
back pressure. If p
is lowered further (curve c in Figure 16.13), supersonic flow is
generated outside the nozzle, and the jet pressure adjusts to p
by means of a series
of “oblique expansion waves,” as schematically indicated by the oscillating pressure
distribution for curve c. (The concepts of oblique expansion waves and oblique shock
waves will be explained in Sections 10 and 11. It is only necessary to note here that
they are oriented at an angle to the direction of flow, and that the pressure decreases
through an oblique expansion wave and increases through an oblique shock wave.)
Convergent–Divergent Nozzle
Now consider the case of a convergent–divergent passage (Figure 16.14). Completely
subsonic flow applies to curve a.Asp
is lowered to p
, sonic condition is reached
at the throat. On further reduction of the back pressure, the flow upstream of the
throat does not respond, and the nozzle has “choked” in the sense that it is allowing
the maximum mass flow rate for the given values of p
and throat area. There is a