Chapter 16
Compressible Flow
1. Introduction......................... 713
Criterion for Neglect of Compressibility
Effects............................ 714
Classification of Compressible
Flows............................. 715
Useful Thermodynamic Relations .... 716
2. Speed of Sound ...................... 717
3. Basic Equations for
One-Dimensional Flow .............. 721
Continuity Equation................. 721
Energy Equation .................... 721
Bernoulli and Euler
Equations ........................ 723
Momentum Principle for a Control
Volume ........................... 723
4. Stagnation and Sonic Properties ..... 724
Table 16.1: Isentropic Flow of
a Perfect Gas (γ = 1.4)............ 727
5. Area–Velocity Relations in
One-Dimensional Isentropic Flow .... 729
Example 16.1 ....................... 732
6. Normal Shock Wave ................. 733
Normal Shock Propagating in a Still
Medium .......................... 738
Shock Structure .................... 738
7. Operation of Nozzles at Different
Back Pressures ..................... 741
Convergent Nozzle .................. 741
Convergent–Divergent Nozzle ....... 741
Example 16.2 ...................... 742
Table 16.2: One-Dimensional Normal-
shock Relations (γ = 1.4)........ 745
8. Effects of Friction and Heating in
Constant-Area Ducts ............... 747
Effect of Friction ................... 748
Effect of Heat Transfer ............. 749
Choking by Friction or Heat
Addition ............ ............ 750
9. Mach Cone ......................... 750
10. Oblique Shock Wave................ 752
Generation of Oblique Shock
Waves ........................... 754
The Weak Shock Limit ............. 756
11. Expansion and Compression in
Supersonic Flow.................... 756
12. Thin Airfoil Theory in Supersonic
Flow ............................... 758
Exercises ........................... 761
Literature Cited .................... 763
Supplemental Reading .............. 763
1. Introduction
To this point we have neglected the effects of density variations due to pressure
changes. In this chapter we shall examine some elementary aspects of flows in which
the compressibility effects are important. The subject of compressible flows is also
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DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-381399-2.50016-2