11. Results for Elliptic Circulation Distribution 701
were not adequately recognized. The controversy has been discussed by von Karman
(1954, p. 50), who witnessed the development of the theory. He gives a lot of credit to
Lanchester, but falls short of accusing his teacher Prandtl of being deliberately unfair.
Here we shall note a few facts that von Karman brings up.
Lanchester was the first person to study a wing of finite span. He was also the
first person to conceive that a wing can be replaced by a bound vortex, which bends
backward to form the tip vortices. Last, Lanchester was the first to recognize that
the minimum power necessary to fly is that required to generate the kinetic energy
field of the downwash field. It seems, then, that Lanchester had conceived all of the
basic ideas of the wing theory, which he published in 1907 in the form of a book
called “Aerodynamics.” In fact, a figure from his book looks very similar to our
Figure 15.21.
Many of these ideas were explained by Lanchester in his talk at G¨ottingen, long
before Prandtl published his theory. Prandtl, his graduate student von Karman, and
Carl Runge were all present. Runge, well-known for his numerical integration scheme
of ordinary differential equations, served as an interpreter, because neither Lanchester
nor Prandtl could speak the other’s language. As von Karman said, “both Prandtl and
Runge learned very much from these discussions.”
However, Prandtl did not want to recognize Lanchester for priority of ideas,
saying that he conceived of them before he saw Lanchester’s book. Such controversies
cannot be settled. And great men have been involved in controversies before. For
example, astrophysicist Stephen Hawking (1988), who occupied Newton’s chair at
Cambridge (after Lighthill), described Newton to be a rather mean man who spent
much of his later years in unfair attempts at discrediting Leibniz, in trying to force
the Royal astronomer to release some unpublished data that he needed to verify his
predictions, and in heated disputes with his lifelong nemesis Robert Hooke.
In view of the fact that Lanchester’s book was already in print when Prandtl pub-
lished his theory, and the fact that Lanchester had all the ideas but not a formal mathe-
matical theory, we have called it the “Lifting Line Theory of Prandtl and Lanchester.”
11. Results for Elliptic Circulation Distribution
The induced drag and other properties of a finite wing depend on the distribution of
(y). The circulation distribution, however, depends in a complicated way on the
wing planform, angle of attack, and so on. It can be shown that, for a given total lift
and wing area, the induced drag is a minimum when the circulation distribution is
elliptic. (See, for e.g., Ashley and Landahl, 1965, for a proof.) Here we shall simply
assume an elliptic distribution of the form (see Figure 15.22b)
1 −
, (15.18)
and determine the resulting expressions for downwash and induced drag.