6. Generation of Circulation 687
6. Generation of Circulation
We shall now discuss why a real flow around an airfoil should satisfy the Kutta
condition. The explanation lies in the frictional and boundary layer nature of a real
flow. Consider an airfoil starting from rest in a real fluid. The flow immediately after
starting is irrotational everywhere, because the vorticity adjacent to the surface has
not yet diffused outward. The velocity at this stage has a near discontinuity adjacent
to the surface. The flow has no circulation, and resembles the pattern in the upper
panel of Figure 15.9. The fluid goes around the trailing edge with a very high velocity
and overcomes a steep deceleration and pressure rise from the trailing edge to the
stagnation point.
Within a fraction of a second (in a time of the order of that taken by the flow
to move one chord length), however, boundary layers develop on the airfoil, and the
retarded fluid does not have sufficient kinetic energy to negotiate the steep pressure
rise from the trailing edge toward the rear stagnation point. This generates a back-flow
in the boundary layer and a separation of the boundary layer at the trailing edge. The
consequence of all this is the generation of a shear layer, which rolls up into a spiral
form under the action of its own induced vorticity (Figure 15.10). The rolled-up shear
layer is carried downstream by the flow and is left at the location where the airfoil
started its motion. This is called the starting vortex.
The sense of circulation of the starting vortex is counterclockwise in Figure 15.10,
which means that it must leave behind a clockwise circulation around the airfoil. To
see this, imagine that the fluid is stationary and the airfoil is moving to the left.
Consider a material circuit ABCD, made up of the same fluid particles and large
enough to enclose both the initial and final locations of the airfoil (Figure 15.11).
Initially the trailing edge was within the region BCD, which now contains the starting
vortex only. According to the Kelvin circulation theorem, the circulation around any
material circuit remains constant, if the circuit remains in a region of inviscid flow
(although viscous processes may go on inside the region enclosed by the circuit).
The circulation around the large curve ABCD therefore remains zero, since it was
zero initially. Consequently the counterclockwise circulation of the starting vortex
around DBC is balanced by an equal clockwise circulation around ADB. The wing is
therefore left with a circulation equal and opposite to the circulation of the starting
It is clear from Figure 15.9 that a value of circulation other than the one that
moves the rear stagnation point exactly to the trailing edge would result in a sequence
of events as just described and would lead to a readjustment of the flow. The only value
Figure 15.10 Formation of a spiral vortex sheet soon after an airfoil begins to move.