8. Classical Thermodynamics 13
First Law of Thermodynamics
The first law of thermodynamics states that the energy of a system is conserved. It
states that
Q + W = e, (1.10)
where Q is the heat added to the system, W is the work done on the system, and e
is the increase of internal energy of the system. All quantities in equation (1.10) may
be regarded as those referring to unit mass of the system. (In thermodynamics texts it
is customary to denote quantities per unit mass by lowercase letters, and those for the
entire system by uppercase letters. This will not be done here.) The internal energy
(also called “thermal energy”) is a manifestation of the random molecular motion of
the constituents. In fluid flows, the kinetic energy of the macroscopic motion has to be
included in the term e in equation (1.10) in order that the principle of conservation of
energy is satisfied. For developing the relations of classical thermodynamics, however,
we shall only include the “thermal energy” in the term e.
It is important to realize the difference between heat and internal energy. Heat and
work are forms of energy in transition, which appear at the boundary of the system
and are not contained within the matter. In contrast, the internal energy resides within
the matter. If two equilibrium states 1 and 2 of a system are known, then Q and W
depend on the process or path followed by the system in going from state 1 to state 2.
The change e = e
− e
, in contrast, does not depend on the path. In short, e is a
thermodynamic property and is a function of the thermodynamic state of the system.
Thermodynamic properties are called state functions, in contrast to heat and work,
which are path functions.
Frictionless quasi-static processes, carried out at an extremely slow rate so that
the system is at all times in equilibrium with the surroundings, are called reversible
processes. The most common type of reversible work in fluid flows is by the expansion
or contraction of the boundaries of the fluid element. Let v = 1/ρ be the specific
volume, that is, the volume per unit mass. Then the work done by the body per unit
mass in an infinitesimal reversible process is −pdv, where dv is the increase of v.
The first law (equation (1.10)) for a reversible process then becomes
de = dQ − pdv, (1.11)
provided that Q is also reversible.
Note that irreversible forms of work, such as that done by turning a paddle wheel,
are excluded from equation (1.11).
Equations of State
In simple systems composed of a single component only, the specification of two
independent properties completely determines the state of the system. We can write
relations such as
p = p(v, T ) (thermal equation of state),
e = e(p, T ) (caloric equation of state).