2 Introduction
not quite separable because the engineers need to understand and the physicists need
to be motivated through applications.
Fluid mechanics, like the study of any other branch of science, needs mathemat-
ical analyses as well as experimentation. The analytical approaches help in finding the
solutions to certain idealized and simplified problems, and in understanding the unity
behind apparently dissimilar phenomena. Needless to say, drastic simplifications are
frequently necessary because of the complexity of real phenomena. A good under-
standing of mathematical techniques is definitely helpful here, although it is probably
fair to say that some of the greatest theoretical contributions have come from the
people who depended rather strongly on their unusual physical intuition, some sort
of a “vision” by which they were able to distinguish between what is relevant and
what is not. Chess player, Bobby Fischer (appearing on the television program “The
Johnny Carson Show,” about 1979), once compared a good chess player and a great
one in the following manner: When a good chess player looks at a chess board, he
thinks of 20 possible moves; he analyzes all of them and picks the one that he likes.
A great chess player, on the other hand, analyzes only two or three possible moves;
his unusual intuition (part of which must have grown from experience) allows him
immediately to rule out a large number of moves without going through an apparent
logical analysis. Ludwig Prandtl, one of the founders of modern fluid mechanics,
first conceived the idea of a boundary layer based solely on physical intuition. His
knowledge of mathematics was rather limited, as his famous student von Karman
(1954, page 50) testifies. Interestingly, the boundary layer technique has now become
one of the most powerful methods in applied mathematics!
As in other fields, our mathematical ability is too limited to tackle the complex
problems of real fluid flows. Whether we are primarily interested either in under-
standing the physics or in the applications, we must depend heavily on experimental
observations to test our analyses and develop insights into the nature of the phe-
nomenon. Fluid dynamicists cannot afford to think like pure mathematicians. The
well-known English pure mathematician G. H. Hardy once described applied math-
ematics as a form of “glorified plumbing” (G. I. Taylor, 1974). It is frightening to
imagine what Hardy would have said of experimental sciences!
This book is an introduction to fluid mechanics, and is aimed at both
physicists and engineers. While the emphasis is on understanding the elementary
concepts involved, applications to the various engineering fields have been discussed
so as to motivate the reader whose main interest is to solve industrial problems. Need-
less to say, the reader will not get complete satisfaction even after reading the entire
book. It is more likely that he or she will have more questions about the nature of
fluid flows than before studying this book. The purpose of the book, however, will be
well served if the reader is more curious and interested in fluid flows.
2. Units of Measurement
For mechanical systems, the units of all physical variables can be expressed in terms
of the units of four basic variables, namely, length, mass, time, and temperature.
In this book the international system of units (Syst
eme international d’ unit
es) and
commonly referred to as SI units, will be used most of the time. The basic units