172 CHAPTER 1 Relations, Functions, and Graphs 1–88
College Algebra G&M—
7. For mail with a high priority,
“Express Mail” offers next day
delivery by 12:00 noon to most
destinations, 365 days of the
year. The service was first
offered by the U.S. Postal
Service in the early 1980s and
has been growing in use ever
since. The cost of the service
(in cents) for selected years is
shown in the table. (a) Draw a
scatterplot of the data, then
(b) decide if the association is
positive, negative, or cannot be determined.
Statistical Abstract of the United States;
8. After the Surgeon General’s
first warning in 1964,
cigarette consumption began a
steady decline as advertising
was banned from television
and radio, and public
awareness of the dangers of
cigarette smoking grew. The
percentage of the U.S. adult
population who considered
themselves smokers is shown
in the table for selected years.
(a) Draw a scatterplot of the
data, then (b) decide if the
association is positive, negative, or cannot be
Wall Street Journal Almanac
and 2009
Statistical Abstract of the
United States,
Table 1299
9. Since the 1970s women have
made tremendous gains in the
political arena, with more and
more female candidates running
for, and winning seats in the
U.S. Senate and U.S. Congress.
The number of women
candidates for the U.S. Congress
is shown in the table for selected
years. (a) Draw a scatterplot of the data, (b) decide if
the association is linear or nonlinear and (c) if the
association is positive, negative, or cannot be
Center for American Women and Politics at
10. The number of shares traded on the New York
Stock Exchange experienced dramatic change in
the 1990s as more and more individual investors
gained access to the stock market via the Internet
and online brokerage houses.
The volume is shown in the
table for 2002, and the odd
numbered years from 1991 to
2001 (in billions of shares).
(a) Draw a scatterplot of the
data, (b) decide if the
association is linear or
nonlinear, and (c) if the
association is positive,
negative, or cannot be determined.
2000 and 2004
Statistical Abstract of the United States,
Table 1202
The data sets in Exercises 11 and 12 are known
to be linear.
11. The total value of the goods
and services produced by a
nation is called its gross
domestic product or GDP. The
GDP per capita is the ratio of
the GDP for a given year to the
population that year, and is
one of many indicators of
economic health. The GDP per
capita (in $1000s) for the
United States is shown in the
table for selected years.
(a) Draw a scatterplot using
scales that appropriately fit the data, then sketch an
estimated line of best fit, (b) decide if the
association is positive or negative, then (c) decide
whether the correlation is weak or strong.
Statistical Abstract of the United States,
Tables 2 and 641
12. Real estate brokers carefully
track sales of new homes
looking for trends in location,
price, size, and other factors.
The table relates the average
selling price within a price
range (homes in the $120,000
to $140,000 range are
represented by the $130,000
figure), to the number of new
homes sold by Homestead Realty in 2004.
(a) Draw a scatterplot using scales that
appropriately fit the data, then sketch an estimated
line of best fit, (b) decide if the association is
positive or negative, then (c) decide whether the
correlation is weak or strong.
1981 935
1985 1075
1988 1200
1991 1395
1995 1500
1999 1575
2002 1785
2010 1830
1965 42.4
1974 37.1
1979 33.5
1985 29.9
1990 25.3
1995 24.6
2000 23.1
2002 22.4
2005 16.9
1972 32
1978 46
1984 65
1992 106
1998 121
2004 141
1991 46
1993 67
1995 88
1997 134
1999 206
2001 311
2002 369
0 5.1
5 7.6
10 12.3
15 17.7
20 23.3
25 27.7
30 35.0
33 37.8
1970 S0
Price Sales
130’s 126
150’s 95
170’s 103
190’s 75
210’s 44
230’s 59
250’s 21
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