About the Authors
John Coburn John Coburn grew up in the Hawaiian Islands, the seventh of sixteen children. He
received his Associate of Arts degree in 1977 from Windward Community College,
where he graduated with honors. In 1979 he earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Education
from the University of Hawaii. After working in the business world for a number
of years, he returned to teaching, accepting a position in high school mathematics
where he was recognized as Teacher of the Year (1987). Soon afterward, the decision
was made to seek a Master's Degree, which he received two years later from the
University of Oklahoma. John is now a full professor at the Florissant Valley campus
of St. Louis Community College. During his tenure there he has received numerous
nominations as an outstanding teacher by the local chapter of Phi Theta Kappa,
two nominations to Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers, and was recognized
as Post Secondary Teacher of the Year in 2004 by the Mathematics Educators of
Greater St. Louis (MEGSL). He has made numerous presentations and local, state,
and national conferences on a wide variety of topics and maintains memberships
in several mathematics organizations. Some of John’s other interests include body
surfing, snorkeling, and beach combing whenever he gets the chance. He is also
an avid gamer, enjoying numerous board, card, and party games. His other loves
include his family, music, athletics, composition, and the wild outdoors.
J.D. Herdlick J.D. Herdlick was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri, very near the Mississippi
river. In 1992, he received his bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Santa Clara
University (Santa Clara, California). After completing his master’s in mathemat-
ics at Washington University (St. Louis, Missouri) in 1994, he felt called to serve
as both a campus minister and an aid worker for a number of years in the United
States and Honduras. He later returned to education and spent one year teaching
high school mathematics, followed by an appointment at Washington University
as visiting lecturer, a position he held until 2006. Simultaneously teaching as an
adjunct professor at the Meramec campus of St. Louis Community College, he
eventually joined the department full time in 2001. While at Santa Clara University,
he became a member of the honorary societies Phi Beta Kappa, Pi Mu Epsilon, and
Sigma Xi under the tutelage of David Logothetti, Gerald Alexanderson, and Paul
Halmos. In addition to the Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence at Washington
University, J.D. has received numerous awards and accolades for his teaching at St.
Louis Community College. Outside of the office and classroom, he is likely to be
found in the water, on the water, and sometimes above the water, as a passionate
wakeboarder and kiteboarder. It is here, in the water and wind, that he finds his
inspiration for writing. J.D. and his family currently split their time between the
United States and Argentina.
With boundless gratitude, we dedicate this work to the special people in
our lives. To our children, whom we hope were joyfully oblivious to the
time, sacrifice, and perseverance required; and to our wives, who were
well acquainted with every minute of it.
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