time for dropped object or projectile to
hit ground, 218, 268, 311, 324
time for satellite to orbit Earth
time for satellite to reach Jupiter, 22
velocity and times of rocket flight,
velocity of car depending on drag
force, 373
velocity of falling objects, 185, 246,
339, 349
velocity of fluid flowing from tank, 218
weight of object on moon, 270
committee composition possibilities, 815
Conservatives and Liberals in senate,
ways to choose reconnaissance team,
applicant combinations for officer
positions, 813
area codes possible, 815
arrangement of books on shelf, 843
ciphers to encrypt culinary secrets, 702
ciphers to encrypt switchboard phone
numbers, 699
clothing choices and dressing
possibilities, 812, 841
cost of cable service, 562
cost of food for retreat, 661
customer count at restaurant, 427
demand for popular songs and singers,
different meal possibilities, 812
disarming bomb probabilities, 828
European and U.S. shoe sizes, 38
government investment in public works
and military, 348
guided tour start-up times and group
sizes, 337
household cleaner solutions, 588
increase in restaurant eating, 148
length and width of a book, 281
library fines, 566
lock combination probabilities, 812, 841
long-distance calling-card cost, 706
natural gas pricing for households, 259
new books published in U.S., 376
number of customers in mall, 471
page count and thickness of books, 267
photograph possibilities of multiple-birth
families, 813
prices paid for rare books, 649
remote access door opener digit
possibilities, 812
retirees surveyed, 828
selecting books to read on vacation, 814
selecting veterans to survey, 825–826
skid marks and speed of car before
crash, 79
standardizing e-mail addresses, 815
ticket prices, 337, 372
trash pickup on roads, 276
volume of phone calls, 270
admission prices, 259
amusement arcade scores, 259
amusement park attendance, 393
area of Olympic soccer field, 37
area of race track, 728
arrangements possible in Yahtzee, 814
average weight of football linemen, 38
baseball batting averages, 836
baseball card value, 117, 677
basketball salaries, 562
basketball scores, 649
blanket toss competition, 324–325
bowling strikes probabilities, 842
campers at park in selected months, 847
card game scores, 590, 631
chess tournament probabilities, 813
choosing blocks with numbers, 828
choosing finalists on game show, 824
coin toss probabilities, 229, 812, 814,
823, 826, 829
depth and duration of dive, 375, 474
diameters of sport balls, 229
dice rolling, 824–826, 841
distance jogged at faster pace, 163
distances descended by two cave
explorers, 162
dominos numbers, 824
drawing cards at random, 823, 825, 841
drawing colored balls from bag, 813,
827, 843
drawing slips of paper at random, 841
elliptical billiard tables, 729
filling player positions for soccer, 824
frog-jumping contests, 327
height of kicked soccer ball, 602
high jump records, 177
horse-racing finish probabilities, 813, 841
hot-air ballooning, 246
kiteboarding and wind speed, 231
length of kite string let out, 79
marathon training runs, 37
maximum height of arrow shot from
bow, 602
medals awarded to sprinters, 814
men’s Olympic freestyle swimming, 203
minimum altitude of stunt plane, 743
motorcycle jumps, 325
numbers of each item in shipment to
sports store, 636
orienteering running speeds, 394
Pinochle probabilities, 824
pool table mixture of balls, 825, 826
racing pigeon speeds, 589
random changes in rule book, 823
rebound height of ball, 795, 829
registration for 5-km race, 337
runner first at finish line, 292
shelf size and size of tennis ball cans,
sit-ups for training of recruits, 229
snowboard jumping, 325
softball tossing distance, 10
speed of rower in still water, 587, 588
spinner probabilities, 501, 812, 823–824,
826, 843
spin outcomes in Twister, 814
sports promotions, 515
sprinter’s training times, 271
standing broad jump distances, 803
starting line-ups possibilities, 815
swimmers in pool at any time, 24
table tennis scores, 282
tandem bicycle trip finishing
probabilities, 843
target-hitting probabilities, 827, 844
tennis court dimensions, 312
ticket pricing, 323
Tic-Tac-Toe ending board possibilities,
time arrow is airborne, 602
timed trials in swimming, 38
ways to commit crime in Clue, 815
ways to form female basketball teams,
ways to select songs to play at contest,
words formed by Scrabble player, 813
words formed from one word, 841
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