D Floquet theory and Lyapunov exponents
Floquet theory provides a tool for investigating the regular or chaotic behavior of a
dynamical system and it allows us to introduce the Lyapunov exponents. Referring
to the specialized literature for an exhaustive treatment of the topic, we briefly
introduce as follows the elementary notions related to Floquet theory.
Consider the dynamical system described by the differential equations
= A(t)x ,x∈ R
, (D.1)
where A = A(t)isann × n periodic matrix with period T . Floquet theory [93]
provides a transformation of coordinates, such that the analysis of (D.1) is reduced
to the study of a differential system with constant real coefficients.
Let Φ(t)betheprincipal monodromy or fundamental matrix, whose columns
are linear independent solutions of (D.1) and such that Φ(0) is the identity matrix.
After a period T one has
Φ(t + T )=Φ(t)Φ
(0)Φ(T ) .
By the Floquet theorem [93], there exists a constant matrix B and a periodic
symplectic matrix C(t)suchthatatanytimet one has
C(t) .
After the transformation y
= C
(t)x, the system (D.1) is reduced to the following
differential equation with real constant coefficients:
= By .
The eigenvalues of Φ(T) are called the characteristic multipliers; they measure
the rate of expansion or contraction of a solution. A characteristic exponent is
aquantity such that e
is a characteristic multiplier. The real parts of the
characteristic exponents are the so–called Lyapunov exponents. When all Lyapunov
exponents are negative, the solution is asymptotically stable; when the Lyapunov
exponents are positive, the solution is unstable.