5 Rotational dynamics
The dynamics of celestial bodies is essentially ruled by two motions: the revolution
around a primary body and the rotation about an internal spin–axis. To a first
approximation one can deal with a rigid body motion, where no internal defor-
mations are considered. A suitable model for the rotational dynamics is obtained
through the introduction of the Euler angles (Section 5.1), while the Hamiltonian
formulation can be derived in terms of the Andoyer–Deprit variables (Section 5.2).
We consider first the free rigid body motion (Section 5.3), and then the perturbed
one under the effect of the gravitational influence of a primary body (Section 5.4).
A simplified model is provided by the spin–orbit problem (Section 5.5), where
the rigid body moves on a Keplerian orbit around the primary; moreover, one
assumes that the spin–axis is perpendicular to the orbital plane and that it coin-
cides with the shortest physical axis. The corresponding Hamiltonian function is
one–dimensional with an explicit time dependence. The dynamics around the res-
onances can be conveniently described by averaging such a Hamiltonian. Relaxing
the assumption that the body is rigid, one needs to consider the effect of tidal forces
which provide the so–called dissipative spin–orbit problem. We also discuss the mo-
tion of a point–mass around an oblate primary (Section 5.6), and the interaction
between two bodies of finite dimensions (Section 5.7).
Another model of rotational dynamics is given by the dumbbell satellite com-
posed by two point–masses connected by a rigid rod, whose barycenter moves
around a primary body (Section 5.9); relaxing the assumption that the rod is
rigid, one obtains the tether satellite (Section 5.8).
5.1 Euler angles
Let us consider a rigid body S with ellipsoidal shape, rotating about a fixed point O.
We introduce a reference frame (O,i
,j,k), whose axes coincide with the directions
of the principal axes of inertia of the rigid body; let (O,I
,J,K) be a fixed reference
frame with origin coinciding with that of the body frame. We denote by n
the line
of nodes, defined as the intersection between the planes (i
,j)and(I,J). The Euler
angles (ϕ, ψ, ϑ) (see Figure 5.1) are introduced as follows:
0 ≤ ϕ ≤ 2π is the precession angle formed by the directions of I
and n;
0 ≤ ψ ≤ 2π is the proper rotation angle formed by the directions of n
and i;
0 ≤ ϑ ≤ π is the nutation angle formed by the directions of K
and k.