20.4 Conclusions and perspectives
Reparative medicine and bioprocess engineering are major issues for
current applied biotechnology. Development in these areas is advancing
towards the use of stem cells for therapy. However, the elements and
mechanisms involved in the intrinsic and extrinsic biological control of
these cells are poorly known. All clinical situations performed with auto-
logous transplants of stem cells up to now have generally demonstrated
improvement, or total or partial recovery of tissue function. Refining
techniques in these therapeutic procedures will be necessary to better
characterize and to understand the cellular subpopulations that participate
in restoring the normal physiology of tissues. Concomitantly, engineering
of biomaterials and the associated nanotechnology are appearing as im-
portant tools to speed up this scientific knowledge. The ultimate goal is to
be able to totally or partially generate an organ with normal physiology, in
a short time period.
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