(ii) particles should preferably be transparent, allowing microscopic eva-
(iii) rigid materials (polystyrene and glass) are recommended because of
their low porosity;
(iv) surface charge can be positive or negative, but it should not be too
low because of the risk of difficulties of cell adherence, and it should
not be too high because it could inhibit cell growth; the charge should
be equally distributed throughout the surface to insure homogeneous
cell distribution.
Microcarrier particle diameter should ideally be between 100 and 400
m with a size distribution of 25 m to guarantee a homogeneous
culture. According to Butler and Spier (1984), cells tend to adhere
preferably to the smallest particles. However, Hu and Wang (1987)
demonstrated that higher microcarrier diameter tended to promote cell
growth. An increase of diameter from 185 to 265 m resulted in a longer
exponential growth phase, with a final cell concentration four times higher
than that observed with microcarriers with smaller diameter.
Adherent cells attached to microcarriers are particularly susceptible to
damage caused by mechanical shear forces within agitated tanks. This
vulnerability to damage is usually associated with cell immobilization and
with the increase in shear force sensitivity of suspended microcarriers.
Croughan et al. (1987) demonstrated that FS-4 and Vero cells are highly
sensitive to shear forces caused by an increase in the mechanical agitation
of the cell culture. They showed a progressive reduction in cell growth
with higher agitation velocities and also cell lysis at an agitation rate over
180 rpm.
A great variety of mammal, bird, fish, amphibian, and insect cells can be
cultivated in this system. To ensure that cells from so many different
organisms and tissues can be cultivated with success in microcarriers, these
microcarriers should have a physicochemical composition and other
specific characteristics appropriate to the specific cell line. The most
commonly used microcarriers are composed of DEAE-dextran polymers,
polyacrylamide, polystyrene, gelatin, or glass. These present a great variety
of density, size, weight, or electric charge that might have a significant
effect in cell culture (Varani et al., 1983; Reuveny et al., 1985). Some
examples are given in Figure 18.6.
Many different culture systems have demonstrated effectiveness for viral
production. As previously described, these systems are based on the
growth of cells in suspension or adherent to microcarriers, which are kept
in suspension by agitation. After achieving high density the cultured cells
can be infected by virus, allowing intracellular viral multiplication until
the viral products are finally collected and processed. After standardiza-
tion and optimization, these systems allow consistent viral particle pro-
duction, and these steps are called the synthesis or upstream phase. Figure
18.7 shows a typical cell membrane structure when rabies viral particles
are leaving the surface of an infected cell.
For viral vaccine preparation or downstream processing, the cells and
supernatant of infected cultures should go through concentration and
purifying processes. These are important steps because there could be a
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