and a weak base, respectively, with pK values around 4 and 10. For the
weak groups, the prevailing pH affects the ionization, and the pK is used
as an indication of the adequate operational pH range. Therefore, to ensure
a suitable ionization, the cation exchanger C is used at a pH above 6, and
the anion exchanger DEAE at a pH below 9.
Besides influencing the adsorbent ionizing groups, the pH also affects
protein charge and stability. In practice, if the protein is more stable at a
pH below its pI, a cation exchanger is used, and conversely, if it is more
stable at a pH above its pI, an anion exchanger is used.
Some adsorbents present a remarkably high density of ionic groups on
the surface, allowing multiple adsorption points, which require high salt
concentrations to promote elution, which may cause denaturation.
The aqueous buffers used in ion exchange should contribute to the ion/
counter-ion dissociation. The buffer minimizes pH fluctuations, avoiding
protein denaturation. The selection of the most suitable buffer depends on
the type of the ion exchanger, on product stability, and also on the
optimum pH for maximum adsorption. An important requirement is that
the buffer should not interact with the adsorbent and this is the reason
why the selected buffer, when charged, usually has the same charge as the
ion exchanger. Depending on the chromatographic step, adsorption or
elution, the pH should be adjusted to promote protein adsorption or its
displacement from the matrix.
During adsorption, the pH should be adjusted to one unit above or
below the protein pI, since larger differences result in a greater net charge
of the protein, and consequently, multiple adsorption points, requiring
severe conditions for elution. An ideal pH is suitable for adsorption at a
level which allows the elution to be performed only by a small pH change.
The buffer ionic strength determines the degree to which the ionic
groups of both the protein and stationary phase are blocked. During
adsorption, the highest ionic strength that still enables adsorption of the
desired protein is used, whereas during elution, the lowest ionic strength
that promotes its desorption is recommended. If the ionic strength is
excessively low during adsorption, the protein will adsorb very strongly,
making elution difficult. Keeping the ionic strength as high as possible
during adsorption minimizes the adsorption of contaminants, and keeping
it low during the elution minimizes the desorption of contaminants. Such
a strategy simplifies the elution step.
Once the optimum adsorption/desorption conditions are established,
other issues should be considered, such as the need for matrix pretreatment
and the operational mode for adsorption and elution steps. Pretreatment
of the ion exchanger can involve, for example, the removal of fine particles,
swelling, washing, or counter-ion replacement.
Adsorption can be carried out in tanks and in a batch system, as well as
in chromatographic columns. Batch adsorption can be carried out in the
early purification step, allowing the processing of large product volumes,
despite having a low efficiency. Column adsorption, on the other hand,
presents limitations with regard to the flow rates, but gives better resolu-
tion. There are two distinct methods of elution. The first method is that
protein adsorbed on the static ion exchange matrix is completely eluted by
a small volume of a strong eluent. This method is useful for the concentra-
312 Animal Cell Technology