Settlers are simple devices and present no moving parts, facilitating
operations under aseptic conditions. However, they present operational
problems because of the high residence time of the cells in an environment
that presents suboptimal conditions of oxygenation and temperature
(Woodside et al., 1998). They also present difficulties for scale-up since
the required settling area is directly proportional to the flow rate to be
treated (Equation 23), which increases with bioreactor volume. Lamella
settlers are also prone to cell adhesion on the lamella surface. This problem
may be diminished by using a special coating on the plates or by installing
a vibration system to vibrate the whole settler (Castilho and Medronho,
2002). This implies an increase in the complexity of the device. Despite
these considerations, Henzler et al. (2003) have successfully employed a
lamella settler as the cell retention device in perfusion bioreactor systems.
According to the authors, the high cell retention efficiencies obtained with
their specially designed lamella settlers allow using perfusion rates as high
as 15 d
11.4 Centrifugation
Centrifugation is based on particle settling in a centrifugal field. This
centrifugal field is created when applying a centrifugal acceleration to a
suspension, through a rotational movement. In a general way, particles
more dense than the liquid will attain an outward radial movement and
particles less dense will attain an inward radial movement.
The main types of industrial centrifuges used for bioparticle separations
are the tubular, the multi-chamber, and the disc centrifuges (Figure 11.8).
The disc centrifuge may have nozzles to allow continuous exit of the
concentrated suspension. The nozzles allow operation in a continuous
mode, with R
. 0. Tubular and multi-chamber centrifuges operate with
¼ 0.
The settling velocity of bioparticles in centrifuges is given by Equation
(1). In this equation, the angular velocity ø is in rad s
. Equation (24)
converts angular velocity expressed in rotations per minute (rpm) to
rad s
When expressing operational conditions of centrifuges, it is advisable to
give the centrifugal acceleration (ø
R) rather than angular velocity (ø),
since the latter does not properly describe the centrifugal field intensity,
which is a function of the radius of the centrifuge rotor. Thus, it is usual to
use the g-factor concept, also known as RCF (relative centrifugal force).
This is obtained by dividing the bioparticle settling velocity under a
centrifugal field by the bioparticle settling velocity under the gravitational
field (Equation 25).
g-factor ¼
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