loss of activity, and also, the acceptable time and cost of the purification
Therefore, for activity-related studies, relatively small amounts of pro-
tein are needed and high purity is certainly not crucial, provided that the
activity-interfering species are removed. Cost in this case has relatively
low relevance, but speed is important to minimize activity loss.
Structural studies, on the other hand, require large amounts of highly
purified protein. Cost and time are of secondary importance, except in
studies regarding structure–function relationship, for which maintenance
of biological activity is important and thus, the purification speed is
Purification cost and time are most relevant for industrial scale produc-
tion. The required amounts and purity levels are determined based on the
final application of the protein. For example, for therapeutic applications
high purity is crucial, but the required amounts are relatively small.
The amount of purified protein obtained depends not only on the
amount of the raw material used, but also on the yield of the process. At
every stage of the purification process, some product loss occurs. There-
fore, to maximize the yield, a minimum number of stages should be used.
However, decreasing the number of stages can affect the final purity of the
protein. Some purification methods give a higher yield than others and
thus, a systematic selection should be made that is aimed at maximizing
the yield at each stage, but also insuring the required final purity is
The purity of the target protein can be expressed in terms of the
percentage of total protein, although other types of contaminants can also
be important. For enzymatic studies, 80–90% of purity is usually suitable,
not taking into account the activity-interfering contaminants, which
should be removed. For structural studies, the required purity should be
equal to or higher than 95%. For therapeutic applications, any type of
contaminants should be removed and purity higher than 99.9% is often
Additional purification steps lead not only to additional yield losses, but
also to an increase in processing time and cost. For research purposes, the
process scales are usually small and the cost of an additional step may not
be important. On the other hand, at an industrial scale, the introduction of
an additional step may make a purification process uneconomic. Removal
of residual contaminants is, in most of the cases, significantly more
difficult than the earlier purification steps and involves several additional
steps, reducing the final yield and increasing the processing cost and time.
In most cases, except for structural studies such as sequencing, the
purified protein should be as native and as active as possible. Attempts to
minimize denaturation and proteolysis should be made, avoiding typically
harsh conditions.
12.2.2 Selection of the protein source
As discussed in the initial chapters of this book, genetically modified
animal cells are commonly used to obtain proteins for therapeutic,
prophylactic, or diagnostic applications. The problem is that obtaining
Produc t purification processes 297