specialization, globalization 18–19
specificity vs. diffuseness, cultural dilemmas 73
stability, organizational culture 144
Anglo-Saxon model, corporate governance
corporate governance 256–9, 526–7
Japanese model, corporate governance 273–4
Rhineland model, corporate governance 268–9
western Europe, corporate governance 283
state-organized business systems 160, 162, 165
Taiwan 176–9
steel industry
corporate strategy 459–64
Germany 459–64
Japan 459–64
USA 459–64
sticky floor
case study 129–31
organizational culture 129–31
RaboBank 129–31
strategic alliances, MNCs 413–14
strategic fit, mergers 111–12
strategic planning, corporate strategy 464–8
comparative corporate strategy 444–88
organizational culture 121–3
theorists 119–21
see also corporate strategy
structural change 134–5
structural hole theory, networks 496–9
structure, organizational see organizational
subsidiaries, MNCs 414–15, 423–7
headquarters-subsidiary relationships 423–7
roles 424–5
structure 425–7
survival/self-expression dimension, societal
environment 47–9
car industry 329–32
dismissal procedures 224–5
employee representation 288
functional specialization 209, 210
networks 499–502
one-tier board systems 288
performance-related pay 235, 238
recruitment and selection 218, 221, 223
reward structure 238
teamwork 330–2
Uddevallaism 329–32, 342, 343–4
wage systems 229–30, 238
work relationships 204–5, 209, 210
Swiss watch industry, clusters 510–11
employee representation 289
one-tier board systems 289
synchronous vs. sequential time, cultural
dilemmas 74
business systems research 173–9
employment policies 175–6
institutional influences 176–9
labour management 175–6
non-ownership coordination 174–5
ownership relations 173–4
postwar business systems 176–9
state-organized business systems 176–9
Tata Group, corporate strategy 482–5
Taylorism, production systems 311–13
team orientation, organizational culture 144
Japan 330–2
Sweden 330–2
techno-economic paradigm, innovation 362
technological advancement, national innovation
systems 361–2
technology system, innovation 362
cross-cultural negotiations 88–9
see also information and communication
theoretical debate, comparative international
management 4–5
theorizing institutional change 186–9
TIMP see Twente Initiative for the Development of
Medical Products
Toyota 320–9
trades unions see unionism
traditional/rational dimension, societal
environment 47–9
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