40 Chapter 2. Recent Results on the Periodic Lorentz Gas
time of the order of a fraction of the reciprocal collision frequency. (One should also
mention an earlier, “formal derivation” by C. Cercignani [12] of the Boltzmann
equation for a hard sphere gas, which considerably clarified the mathematical
formulation of the problem.) Shortly after Lanford’s derivation of the Boltzmann
equation, R. Illner and M. Pulvirenti managed to extend the validity of his result
for all positive times, for initial data corresponding with a very rarefied cloud of
gas molecules [27].
An important assumption made in Boltzmann’s attempt at justifying the
equation bearing his name is the “Stosszahlansatz”, to the effect that particle pairs
just about to collide are uncorrelated. Lanford’s argument indirectly established
the validity of Boltzmann’s assumption, at least on very short time intervals.
In applications of kinetic theory other than rarefied gas dynamics, one may
face the situation where the analogue of the Boltzmann equation for monatomic
gases is linear, instead of quadratic. The linear Boltzmann equation is encountered
for instance in neutron transport, or in some models in radiative transfer. It usually
describes a situation where particles interact with some background medium —
such as neutrons with the atoms of some fissile material, or photons subject to
scattering processes (Rayleigh or Thomson scattering) in a gas or a plasma.
In some situations leading to a linear Boltzmann equation, one has to think
of two families of particles: the moving particles whose phase space density satisfies
the linear Boltzmann equation, and the background medium that can be viewed
as a family of fixed particles of a different type. For instance, one can think of
the moving particles as being light particles, whereas the fixed particles can be
viewed as infinitely heavier, and therefore unaffected by elastic collisions with the
light particles. Before Lanford’s fundamental paper, an important —unfortunately
unpublished— preprint by G. Gallavotti [19] provided a rigorous derivation of
the linear Boltzmann equation assuming that the background medium consists
of fixed entities, like independent hard spheres whose centers are distributed in
the Euclidean space under Poisson’s law. Gallavotti’s argument already possessed
some of the most remarkable features in Lanford’s proof, and therefore must be
regarded as an essential step in the understanding of kinetic theory.
However, Boltzmann’s Stosszahlansatz becomes questionable in this kind of
situation involving light and heavy particles, as potential correlations among heavy
particles may influence the light particle dynamics. Gallavotti’s assumption of a
background medium consisting of independent hard spheres excluded this possi-
bility. Yet, strongly correlated background media are equally natural, and should
also be considered.
The periodic Lorentz gas discussed in these notes is one example of this type
of situation. Assuming that heavy particles are located at the vertices of some
lattice in the Euclidean space clearly introduces about the maximum amount of
correlation between these heavy particles. This periodicity assumption entails a
dramatic change in the structure of the equation that one obtains under the same
scaling limit that would otherwise lead to a linear Boltzmann equation.